The Forgetting: Inside the Mind of Alzheimer's

The Forgetting: Inside the Mind of Alzheimer's

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The Forgetting is a podcast that talks about and demystifies Alzheimer's disease. The twice-monthly show is co-hosted by two well-respected Alzheimer’s experts: David Shenk author of, “The Forgetting: Alzheimer’s, Portrait of an Epidemic;” and Greg O’Brien, author of, “On Pluto: Inside the Mind of Alzheimer’s.” O’Brien was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease in 2009, at age 59. The podcast highlights the friendship Shenk and O’Brien share, while also documenting O’Brien’s experience with the disease as its symptoms become more pronounced. The earliest conversations date from 2015. Subsequent episodes of the podcast follow O'Brien's journey with the disease to the present day. The podcast is produced at WCAI in Woods Hole. Executive Producer: Sean Corcoran. Producer: Steve Junker

The Forgetting podcast: Inside the Mind of Alzheimer’s Greg and David swing from serious to jocular as they check in on each other during the pandemic. The two friends talk about people’s need for certainty in their lives. Dementia creates a lot of uncertainty, and the pandemic and the country’s politics have made it worse.

The Forgetting podcast: Inside the Mind of Alzheimer’s David Shenk and Greg O’Brien talk about the challenges that come with dealing with Greg’s dementia during the pandemic. Movies – including the classic Jaws – have helped Greg during some tough times, but he still grows weary from the challenges of daily life while dealing with the disease.

The Forgetting podcast: Inside The Mind of Alzheimer’s Dealing with Alzheimer's amid the pandemic has particular challenges for patients and caregivers. Greg and David talk about isolation, rage, and coping.

The Forgetting: Inside the Mind of Alzheimer’s The world is getting a sense of the isolation, frustration and fear that Alzheimer patients and the people who care for them live with every day. David and Greg discuss how everyone’s lives have changed during this pandemic. Their hope is that people can develop a better understanding and empathy for people with Alzheimer’s and dementia from this shared experience.

The Forgetting podcast: Inside the Mind of Alzheimer’s Greg and David welcome special guest, actor David Hyde Pierce, who has personal experience with the disease, which touched both his father and his grandfather.

The Forgetting: Inside the Mind of Alzheimer’s, Season 2, Episode 3 Greg and David are both feeling melancholy as they talk about Greg’s problems keeping his balance. To add a bit of humor, Greg tells the story of falling off a treadmill and feeling like George Jetson.

The Forgetting podcast: Season 2, Episode 2 Greg and David welcome their special guest, Lisa Genova, the author of “Still Alice” and a Harvard-trained neuroscientist. Greg talks about welcoming a new grandchild to the family and how that has touched his life. Lisa tells a funny but revealing story about how she once met Greg for coffee and Greg arrived with his clothes soaking wet. And, as always, David and Greg express their love and admiration for each other.

The Forgetting podcast: Season 2, Episode 1 Greg and David are back with season 2 of their conversations around Alzheimer’s disease. In this episode, Greg talks about how he often wants to be alone – more so than ever before. David asks Greg his thoughts on Joe Biden and accusations that Biden is battling dementia. And, a bare-chested Greg hits the wrong button on his cell phone, prompting an embarrassing moment with a bishop. But Greg, and the bishop, have a sense of humor about the situation.

The Forgetting, A Special Edition: Dementia In The Age of Coronavirus Recorded March 27, 2020 The world is getting a sense of the isolation, frustration and fear that Alzheimer patients and the people who care for them live with every day. David and Greg discuss how everyone’s lives have changed during this pandemic in this Special Edition of The Forgetting. Their hope is that people can develop a better understanding and empathy for people with Alzheimer’s and dementia from this shared

The Forgetting: Episode 13 In the finale of “The Forgetting Podcast: Inside the Mind of Alzheimer’s” Season 1, we learn that there will be a season 2, slated for release in the fall. We also hear from co-hosts Greg O’Brien and David Shenk about the response they’ve received since the podcast was released. Greg talks about his hero, Larry David, who sent Greg a gift. An 85-year-old woman asks Greg a question about his Jeep and probably regrets it. David talks about the recent loss of his own

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