The Ghost Museum

The Ghost Museum

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19 聲音
Chels and Jim are best friends who like to talk about stuff that doesn't have answers in ill-informed ways. More specifically, they're having a chat about British ghosts, myths, and legends. They'll also do murder.Outside of the podcast, Jim presents stuff on telly and Chels has a book out, which makes her feel better about her other soulless job in PR.Formerly 'The Slab'

A low-key low-energy episode, where Chels and Jim have a chill chinwag about the sunken town of Dunwich. Not the best episode. Skip this one if you want. Barely a monk mentioned.

Jim tells Chels about the Grey Man of Drury Lane and she is completely and utterly underwhelmed, but does get a bit more interested at an offhand comment about a dead clown. Not our best episode. That will happen.

The hiatus is over baby! Chels takes us to the Adelphi Theatre and presents our first mist-based ghost... but when _does_ a boat become a ship? Have a look at our Twitter @ChelsandJim for pics of the murder spot.

Chels comes back from holiday and tells Jim how she met a man in an elevator who was odds-on a ghost, then takes him to the first stop of her haunted London Underground series: Farringdon Station.

After a trip to Cologne, Germany, Chels and Jim decide to do a special episode from outside of the UK. During which, they talk about beached whales, religious hats, WWII, and take at least 20 minutes to get the the first mention of the relevant ghost.

Chels tells Jim all about the early life of The Acid Bath Murderer, puts some gall stones in The Ghost Museum, and then gets into an argument about duck feet.

Jim takes Chels back to the 1500s where a nasty mother's behaviour forced her to haunt an abbey for all time. Whilst at the abbey, they accidentally also talk about Michael Jackson, the Unabomber, the history of language, and early 90s stationery.

Human cat: []( We talk about John's sexual relations with the succubus, the feasibility of burning a witch indoors, and TripAdvisor reviews.

Chels and Jim finish off the infamous Enfield Poltergeist story, taking more detours than relevant discussion, and develop the idea for The Ghost Museum re-brand. What is your generation's 'The worm'? Can you jump from your back? Are you just talking with the wrong bit of your face? All strong questions, all answered. Well.

Chels and Jim take you to the Ancient Ram Inn in the first of a two part Ram special. This episode also sees the genesis of The Ghost Museum, so much genesis, in fact, that you might want to skip that bit. Just expect to see a pivot in the podcast from here on out that will mark a momentous occasion in Slab (Ghost Museum) history.

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