The Gun Rack

The Gun Rack

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Join us for an upbeat, exciting podcast covering all things firearms including industry news, firearms history, and school events!

The fellas take a look at article on June's Best Selling Firearms and there might be a surprise or two in store. Full article: (

This week on The Gun Rack, the guys discuss the origins, the issues, and the relevancy of .40 S&W. Do the guys sing it's praise or do they dance on it's grave?

Can you name FDR's Four Freedoms of the top of your head? If not, then consider giving this week's edition of The Gun Rack a listen for this Independence Day!

We got another history lesson cooked up for you on The Gun Rack! This week, the fellas explore the life of Samuel Colt and his journey into firearms immortality.

Joey and Drew react to Outdoor Life's article on some huge gun fails, and there are a couple of surprises on the list. Read the article for yourself here:

Joey takes an advanced concealed carry course, and the boys talk about his experience there, rusty guns, and The Miner 49er on this edition of The Gun Rack!

There are a lot of things to consider when choosing the perfect concealed carry firearm for you. The guys run through 10 factors you should keep in mind when making this decision!

As promised, we're serving up another mini episode for you! SIG has secured a contract with the U.S. Army to manufacture their Next Generation Squad Weapon. The guys talk about SIG, sodas, and more in this edition of The Gun Rack!

In order to show proper respect to the solemn nature of Memorial Day, the guys have elected to keep this one quite brief and focused solely on the subject. Keep your eyes open for another mini-episode coming at ya later in the week!

Man, we had fun with this one! Get ready for another jam packed episode containing of more Drew's Clues, Tales From The Range, and a special interview with SDI graduate, David Rains.

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