The Intuitive Eating Podcast

The Intuitive Eating Podcast

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21 聲音
The Intuitive Eating Podcast is hosted by mental health coach Martita Robinson, MA. The Intuitive Eating Podcast is your number 1 source for learning about your intuition and emotional processing so that you can take your intuitive eating to the next level. This is a daily podcast full of actionable tips and strategies supporting you in becoming an intuitive eater. Disclaimer, Martita is not a licensed therapist. If you need medical help please consult with a medical professional.

How does one succeed in intuitive eating if they can't love and accept the body they're in? Learn that and how to love yourself within this episode.

There are several barriers to succeeding with intuitive eating, but three stick out the most! Listen to Martita talk about them here, and how to overcome them.

The inability to feel, hear or sense hunger is REAL when starting intuitive eating. You may have overeaten and no longer sense your hunger gauge or have experienced eating disorders/built a foundation of ignoring hunger, and can't tell. Either way,...

Intuitive eating can be challenging, especially when dealing with hunger issues. Listen in as Martita talks about three of the most challenging and how to overcome them.

Binge eating can be a challenging thing to overcome, but if you have the right foundation you can do it quicker than you think! Listen in as Martita shares the key tenets to overcoming binge eating.

Night snacking--or eating when you intuitively don't want to eat, is a habit that can be unlearned! Listen to Martita as she shares her tips on overcoming this barrier.

The dieting mindset is real. Learning how to overcome the dieting mindset is one of the biggest challenges when embarking on intuitive eating. Learn how to overcome this downfall easily with these tips.

One of the biggest challenges is overcoming the automatic habit of finishing the plate after your'e satisfied, or going for seconds. Listen in as Martita shares her tips for overcoming this challenge.

Listen in as Martita shares a must do tip when preparing to become an intuitive eater.

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