The Jaleesa Johnson Show

The Jaleesa Johnson Show

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31 聲音
A podcast hosted by Jaleesa Johnson.

Jaleesa and Jess talk about Westworld, Donkey Kong, conspiracy theories, disinformation, and COVID-19.

Jaleesa's back! Today she talks about cancel culture literally going viral, updates on her life and family, as well as her and her girlfriend making music. Enjoy! Theme Song: Chaotic Neutral by Lame Jane

Bayard Rustin is widely credited for helping shape Martin Luther King Jr.'s philosophies on nonviolence and civil disobedience. As an openly gay black man, he played a critical role in the civil rights movement. Twitter: @tweetjaleesa and @theracialmaddow Instagram: @racialmaddow

The 2001 film "Boycott" illustrates the emergence of Martin Luther King Jr.'s political career as well as the birth of the modern civil rights movement. Enjoy! #BlackHistoryYear Twitter: @tweetjaleesa and @theracialmaddow Instagram: @racialmaddow

The 1986 film "The Boy King" portrays Martin Luther King Jr.'s earliest encounters with racism as well as the extremely close relationship he had with his family. Enjoy! #BlackHistoryYear Movie Link: Twitter: @tweetjaleesa and @theracialmaddow Instagram: @racialmaddow

In this episode, I compile my favorite Jane Elliot quotes in a way that illustrates why she’s one of the greatest anti-racism advocates living today. Enjoy!

In this special episode, I break down the reasons why hip-hop legend Ice Cube decided to walk away from the super successful rap group N.W.A. Enjoy!

Ronald Preston Clark (author of “Vinnie: A Love Letter”) talks about living in Chicago, the process of self-publishing a novel, and more! Buy his book online at About this show: Hang out with Jaleesa Johnson each week as she has thoughtful discussions with friends both old and new about race, art, activism, and more! Track Info: Chance The Rapper "Cocoa Butter Kisses" (Instrumental) by *Blackheart

Real J. Wallace (Rapper, Founder of The Holyfield organization) talks about his new album, teaching students how to make music, redefining what it means to be a man, and why women should take over the world now! Follow him on Instagram @realjwallace and listen to his music on Spotify! About this show: Hang out with comedian Jaleesa Johnson each week as she has thoughtful discussions with friends both old and new about race, art, activism, and more!

Hip-hop artist Kasston and I discuss the importance of taking a chance on yourself , overcoming shyness, finding your purpose, and more! Subscribe & enjoy! Follow him on Twitter and Instagram @coldhardkass and listen to his music on Soundcloud.

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