The No-Rank Zendo Podcast

The No-Rank Zendo Podcast

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Rinzan Osho is a priest and teacher at No-Rank Zendo, a Rinzai Zen Buddhist Community in Portland, Oregon. His Dharma talks explore various aspects of Rinzai Zen Buddhist practice, spirituality and religion. He emphases practice as a means to develop and cultivate a tender open-heartedness that allows a deep engagement with a troubled world.

In this Teisho, given on July 6th, 2022, Rinzan Osho examines The Hidden Lamp: Dipa Ma's Fearless Daughters. In practicing Zen we learn mastery over the impulses of the body, mind and heart. What is it to live a fearless life? How can this fearlessness serve as a balm to ease the world?

In this Teisho, given on June 6th, 2022, Rinzan Osho examines The Hidden Lamp: Shotaku's Paper Sword. The practice of Zen asks us to know the suffering of others. The misogyny inflicted upon women is something we mace face, confront and do our best to end. Accessing and opening to spiritual power will give us the strength of Shotaku who used her own spiritual strength to back down a sexual assailant.

In this Teisho, given on May 25th, 2022, Rinzan Osho examines The Blue Cliff Record, Case 94: The Surangama Sutra and "Unseeing." Our practice takes us beyond holding onto notions. As soon as we believe we have figured something out, we have made it into something. How does one see the unseen? How does one live it? If we believe we know what peace is, we have lost it. So how do we know peace? And how do we bring peace into a world with such things as school shootings and ecological collapse?

In this Teisho, given on May 15th, 2022, Rinzan Osho examines The Blue Cliff Record, Case 93: Taiko's "You Fox Devil." The Buddha taught us to investigate our composite nature and see into the great emptiness. What is this great emptiness really and how does it come forth? We cannot ever fully know it, but we can let ourselves live it.

In this Teisho, given on March 13th, 2022, Rinzan Osho examines The Blue Cliff Record, Case 83: Ummon's "The Old Buddha Communes With a Pillar." The practice of zen asks us to dissolve our barriers and commune with all things, animate and inanimate, sentient and insentient.

In this Teisho, given on Feb. 27th, 2022, Rinzan Pechovnik Osho examines The Blue Cliff Record, Case 82: Tairyu's "Indestructible Dharma Body." Facing the fundamental religious question, "What is it when all things die?" we are compelled to face a power greater than ourselves and that, indeed, is our very selves.

In this Teisho, given on Jan. 30th, 2022, Rinzan Pechovnik Osho examines The Blue Cliff Record, Case 80: Joshu's "A Newborn Baby." What is it when the artifice of the ego frame falls away? How do we see the world? How is it to be in the world as the universe?

Genjo Roshi gave the following Teisho on March 12th, 2022, during No-Rank Zendo's Zazenkai: Case 35 from the Mumonkan, "Senjo and Her Soul Are Separated." We are a multiplicity, will the real you please stand up?

Rinzan Osho gave the following Teisho on January 14th, 2022, closing day of No-Rank Zendo's Rohatsu Sesshin examining Case 19 of the Mumonkan: "Orindary Mind is Tao." We do the hard work of spiritual practice to find the mystery lies in all things already surrounding us and our very natural, caring attention to them.

Rinzan Osho gave the following Teisho on January 13th, 2022, on day 6 of No-Rank Zendo's Rohatsu Sesshin examining Case 77 of the Hekiganroku: "Ummon's 'A Sesame Bun.'" We long for more complete intimacy with our lives. When the membrane that separates us falls away, we are complete and unseparated.

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