By: Naval Special WarfareLearn about SEAL or SWCC training: https://www.sealswcc.comSwimming is an essential skill for Naval Special Warfare operators, both SEAL and SWCC. We spoke with a BUD/S instructor who teaches SEAL candidates how to become proficient in basic and advanced techniques.
By: Naval Special WarfareLearn about SEAL or SWCC training: https://www.sealswcc.comHow do you get your cardio workout if you can't go outside? Our fitness team explores the options in our latest podcast episode.
By: Naval Special WarfareLearn about SEAL or SWCC training: https://www.sealswcc.comSome like it HOT and some do NOT. Whether you are training in the desert, the mountains, the icy tundra or somewhere in between, it takes forethought and planning to do it right. Listen as our expert explains what to do.
By: Naval Special WarfareLearn about SEAL or SWCC training: https://www.sealswcc.comJob, school, family life or personal time…who has time to train? Our expert explains how to make the time.
By: Naval Special WarfareLearn about SEAL or SWCC training: https://www.sealswcc.comIt’s easy to admire a big chest and arms, but these often-neglected muscle groups are critical to getting you through NSW training.
By: Naval Special Warfare Learn about SEAL or SWCC training: Run in boots? Run barefoot? Our Fitness 2020 series continues with a focus on how to select the best shoe for run training.
By: HTTPS://WWW.SEALSWCC.COM the Official SEAL and SWCC website of the U.S. Government. Fitness trends come and go, but Naval Special Warfare training is Old School. Is your new fitness program helping or hampering your future?
By: HTTPS://WWW.SEALSWCC.COM the Official SEAL and SWCC website of the U.S. Government. Too fat? Too thin? Who knows? We do! Our performance dietician tells us how to get your body right for special warfare training.
Navy SEAL leads on and off the battlefield. A career Navy SEAL operator takes his training to the next level in the business world.
“SEAL. Fighter pilot. Nuclear-power trained Captain. Aircraft carrier Commander. His name is Paradise.”