The Rich Outdoors

The Rich Outdoors

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Hunting Tips, Tactics, Strategies, and Preparation

Map Check Challenge helps you clarify what your success looks like. Hey you beautiful podcast listeners! I got a something special for you today. Recently I created something called the Map Check Challenge. It’s a tool to help you clarify your life route. A few weeks ago my buddy David Brinker was on and he talked about having this moment where his goals didn’t align with what he was doing. I know this feeling well because I too have had that moment. Most of you have seen it first hand. I was doing nothing but hunting podcast and I was burnt out talking about hunting tips and tactics but I had created this thing that I thought had to keep making people this thing they expected of me. I went on a mission to figure what was next. In that process I created a tried to create a better tool that. While I think this so important and realistically everyone I look up to has some version of this process. I felt like everything out there was so woo woo and not for me. In a lot of ways I’m t...

My good buddy Jake pops into the studio to catch up on plans for this fall, and to talk about work play balance. Jake is a serial entrepreneur with multiple business yet seems to travel as much or more than anyone I know. We talk about early mentors and how he got the itch for doing his own thing. Growing up in Port Angeles WA he said starting a business was just what you did if you wanted to be successful.” Jake’s mindset is limitless and I love how he just does things his way and never looks to see how other people do it. Jake was is a big contributor to the Rich Ideas Lab and last week he added a ton of value by breaking down how to go about owner financing a business. Aka how to buy a business without having to go to the bank. That Jam session alone is worth the cost of the lab and I highly recommend any entrepreneur out there go check it out. Even Ty Leary, who has bought and sold multiple business told me it was gold and really got his wheels turning. Jam Session 18 if you w...

This week I jump on with Drew Miles who among being a successful business owner recently came up with a clever way to make the lightest tripod on the market using the trekking poles you already pack. Drew happens to also have an interesting history with patents and actually still gets royalties on a design he sold from a napkin drawing years ago. Interesting story! If you want to check out the Tripod we are talking about Drew is offering 15% off to the podcast listeners with code “TRO” Also, I created a free workshop called the Map Check Challenge and it’s designed to help you answer three questions. * What is your success look like * What skills do you need to develop to reach that goal * What path are you going to take to get there. If you are the kind of person you likes to look at the map from time to time when you are out in the mountains that I think you will really appreciate the Map Check Challenge. It’s 100% free and I guarantee it will make your life ...

Do I have a pod for you guys this week! I came across Michael on Tik Tok and I thought wow this guy is living the life. Michael is in his early thirties and for the last nine years has been living a nomadic lifestyle on horseback. Traveling From April through September Michael travels with west with his horses and his partner. They Spend the winters in a teepee making their own clothes and tools. This dude is straight out of the wild west and I love it! Click these links to check out Michael’s Website and Youtube Channel Show Notes: About Michael: 30,000 ft View – 02:36 Benefits of Full Immersion & Advice – 08:57 Michaels Day to Day & Routines – 21:16 Winter Camp & Walking with Western Wildflowers – 27:56 The Long Lost Mule – 35:39 Legalities & the Law, Michael’s Partner – 40:38 Michael’s Website, Social, & Youtube – 55:13 Real quick I want to tell you about my new project the Rich Ideas Lab where we are setting out to create 10,000 financially free outdoorsman. More than ...

David Brinker went from growing up in the middle of nowhere more worried about chewing Kodiak and drinking beer than what the big plan was. That was until he happened to meet a guy named Jason Hairston. “I remember him telling me, we are gonna take over the world, and I was like holy crap this guy is serious – David Brinker Brinker went from being a nobody heading up the marketing department of Sitka hunting clothing. In this podcast we talk about what he learned from two of the most successful business owners in the outdoor industry. We also talk about chasing your own dreams and how he woke up one day and realized he had to leave that cushy job title he had. Brinker has since been more true to himself and accomplished a huge chunk of his 10 year goals in less than 5 years. We talk about making that leap and more. Show Notes: Time, Money & Hunting – 02:39 In Your 40’s – 08:26 Music Creation, Career, & Goals – 16:21 Lessons Learned From Jason & Jonathan – 27:27 Self-Identity ...

This week we catch back up with Braxton McCoy. Braxton was on way back in 2019 where we chatted about his injuries, and his book The Glass Factory. Braxton is a thoughtful guy and you can follow him on twitter at @braxton. Be sure to check out the first podcast with him that I did to get his backstory here. This week we catch up on our crappy bear seasons, we talk about his guiding career, and about some of his horse projects. Braxton talks about his growth in the last few years and what things he feels like he is still bad at. We talk about balancing risk and moving forward. A great conversation with a solid human. Enjoy. Show Notes: Spring Bear Talk – 02:35 Hunting Partners & Hosting Hunts – 07:52 Pack Animal Stories & Failures – 16:01 Risk vs. Reward, Fulfillment & Work – 27:54 Goals, Fitness, Discipline & Masculinity – 40:31 Pack Animals – 1:02:50 Braxton’s Podcast & Bunkhouse Project – 1:10:54 Real quick I want to tell you about my new project the Rich Ideas Lab where w...

This week I am joined by thee one and only Jack Carr, author, Navy Seal commander and outdoorsman. Jack is a such a down to earth good guy. On a professional level Jack is a tremendous author and has an amazing series out that starts with the book, The Terminal Listand will suck you in like a good binge worth Netflix show. In this episode I dive into Jacks creative process and we chat about inspirations, writing style, and many very interesting aspects of how Jack has transitioned from his carrier in the Seals into a New York Times best seller. I love Jacks confidence and execution at the highest level, it is very inspiring. Enjoy! Show Notes: Meet Author & Veteran, Jack Carr – 02:38 When Jack Knew He Would Be a Writer – 08:15 Advice for Creatives, Career, and the Process – 13:09 How the Series Developed & Creating Success – 19:56 Reading as an Author, Writing, & Focus – 28:37 Inspiration from the Outdoors – 39:14 Advice to Aspiring New Authors – 45:39 Terminal List TV Series...

Kip Fulks is the co founder of Under Armor and most recently Big Truck Brewing. Kip is a savage! you does everything at level 1000. I appreciate that in a lot of ways. It was really cool to chat with someone who just just has zero cap to their own possibilities and pushes themself to be what they know is possible. I love when Kip said about building Under Armor that he “didn’t pick my head up until we hit a billion in sales” The guy has relentless work ethic. We talk about his month long hunts and how he likes to be all in when he goes on a hunt. We talk about the San Carlos and chasing absolute monster bulls. Hope you enjoy this episode and it inspires you to get after it today! Show Notes: Self-Awareness, Under Armour & Fear of Failure – 3m 2s Happiness, Desire & Drive – 12m 47s Taking On Multiple Major Projects – 23m 9s About the New Company, Origins – 26m 29s Kip’s Look on Opportunities & Industries – 32m 24s Kip’s San Carlos, AZ Elk Hunt & Why Hunt – 39m 47s Advice t...

This week I am joined by an interesting veteran who is doing some cool things. Jeremiah is a retired Green Beret with a mission to help. He started War Party Movement as a way to help vulnerable women and children, particularly those in Native communities. In the podcast we talk about some of his hero’s growing up, his experiences in the military, and his growth as a person. We talk about his call to be a warrior and how having a grasp on death will give you a better grasp on life. We dive into War Party Movement and how Native communities are struggling. Over all a very interesting conversation with a very wise and interesting human. Enjoy! Show Notes: About Jeremiah & War Party Movement – 03:16 Self Identity, Reflection, Mentors & Heroes – 20:56 Origins of the “War Party Movement”- 36:49 Human Trafficking of Natives & Violence – 44:40 How You Can Help & WPM’s Cowgirl Course – 56:01 Closing Thoughts – 58:04 I want to tell you about my new project Rich Ideas Lab. More than ...

My good buddy Seth Perkins of Bearded Butchers Just hit 1 Million Subscribers on YouTube. I am super pumped for him and the team. The coolest part about this is that these guys are just a couple of small town farm kids from Ohio who were tired of cutting meat and decided you know what we gotta do something more. In this podcast we talk about that decision to shift gears and grow from a mom and pop butch custom meat processor to a national brand. We dive into the best hire they ever made and how they went from a cell phone video of cutting up a deer to over a million subscribers to their channel. Show Notes: Bearded Butchers Reach 1 Million Subs – 01:44 Growing a Business Through YouTube – 11:01 What Works & Struggles When Starting – 22:34 Possibilities in the Market for Meat – 32:42 How the Family Started the Bearded Butchers – 42:07 Closing Thoughts on Success – 49:50 This podcast is brought to you by Rich Ideas lab the best community for entrepreneurs and would be entreprene...

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