The Roject

The Roject

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Welcome to The Roject, a weekly conversational podcast where your Host Roj Torabi talks to weekly guests about topics we all love to hear. From product reviews, to facemasks, to life hacks, to dating, to how to nail a cheese toastie- ok you get the idea, that is, there is no boundary to the chitchat. I mean wouldn’t you just love to know whether that night cream actually works? Join us on The Roject and help uncover all life’s mysteries. The Roject, the podcast that will help you keep your cool.

I always say that if you’re not wearing sunscreen, theres no point in buying any skincare I recommend because it won't work. It’s important to apply sunscreen liberally, not a political statement, but what I mean is that you should use plenty of the stuff. And todays guest agrees.. Meet, Ava Matthews, the co-founder of one my favourite brands, Ultra Violette. Ultra Violette is a new generation sunscreen brand that's very aesthetically pleasing, is comfortable to wear and puts to rest the idea of sunscreen being daggy. Today Ava joins us to chat about future-proofing your face with the right sunscreen for you and tells us all about where Ultra Violette even came from. For more on Ultra Violette check: Insta: @ultravioletteau Web: For more from Ava, follow her on @avamatthews on Instagram! Find me: Insta: @theroject xx

Product after product, the superfood charged skincare line, Youth To The People, is making waves in the beauty industry and simplifying our regimes whilst maintaining professional grade efficacy. So who are the geniuses behind the brand you ask?.. Meet, Greg Gonzalez and Joe Cloyes, the co-founders of Youth to the People. A skincare line that is truly designed for everyone. A line that I personally adore for its customs, values, beliefs and, the products ability to achieve incredible results. The boys join us on the pod to talk about why they founded the brand, where they got the drive to become pioneers in professional-grade skincare, what shapes their standard for innovation and ultimately, reveal what their own favourite skin rituals are! Plus, a whole heap more! Products mentioned: Superfood Cleanser 15% Vitamin C + Clean Caffeine Energy Serum Yerba Mate Resurfacing Energy Facial Superberry Hydrate + Glow Dream Oil Youth to the people: Find me: Insta: @theroject xx

There the skin topics that take up our minds...Pores & Retinol. How do we minimise the appearance of a pore? How do we apply retinol? Which retinol should we start with? Do we even need retinol? Today all of this is and more is identified and addressed by the skin guru, Nicola Kropach. Nicola is the General Manager of one of Australia’s newest, active cosmeceutical skincare brands, Aesthetics Rx. She also manages the end-to-end production of two skincare brands along with new product development for 53 clinics located nationally. Aka she's a busy woman! In case you don’t know- Aesthetics Rx is loved by many because of its phenomenal and innovative skincare formulations that have shown to provide people with remarkable results, across a wide range of skin categories- without breaking tearing our wallets apart! Enjoy!! Products mentioned: Nicole and Roj’s Pow: AestheticsRx Fruit Enzyme Mask: The AestheticsRx website: Find me: Insta: @theroject xx

It’s the addictive pursuit of pearly whites that leads some of us to swear by activated charcoal, others to swill coconut oil and, the rest of us to experiment with the ever so famous, teeth whitening kits... I mean let’s be real, if we weren’t already conscious of our teeth, staring at our own faces on our countless Zoom calls has definitely brought that to surface. But do these infamous whitening kits even work? Are they a load of crap? After much experimenting and many (excuse my language but) shit products later, I decided it was time that we chatted to the brand who’s kit I have been most impressed with, HiSmile. Tune in as we chat to the founders of HiSmile, Nik Mirkovic and Alex Tomic about everything that makes a teeth whitening kit fail and, what it is that makes them work! plus a whole heap more. Find more on HiSmile: Website: Instagram: @hismileteeth POWs Nik & Alex: Dyson cordless stick vacuums Roj: LightStim For Wrinkles: LED Light Therapy Find me: Insta: @theroject xx

We’ve heard time and time again how important gut health is right? Do probiotics ring a bell? Greek yogurt, kombucha, sauerkraut- the list goes on. Basically, probiotic foods contain live microorganisms that do amazing things for our digestive system which in turn affects our skin. But! before you smear your face with Greek yogurt let’s talk about how we can give our skin a dose of this special ingredient through skincare. Today we chat to the founder of the first skincare brand to use a 100% Australian made probiotic, Evette Hess, the founder of esmi Skin minerals. From what they are, to how they help enhance the skin’s structure, to how they help repair an impaired barrier, to where to even start- Evette will break down everything we need to know about probiotics in skincare! Find more on esmi Skin minerals and probiotics at: Find me: Insta: @theroject xx

It’s not every day that we get our skin questions asked by one of the greatest skin experts. So today is a big day! Today we are joined by Desiree Stordahl, the Senior Research & Education Manager at Paulas Choice! Desiree is here today to give us the facts about the skin that we all need and teach us how to easily put together a skincare routine that gets us the best possible results without needing to sort through all the hype and misleading information! From the truth about skin type, skin concerns, exfoliation, to some of her favourite products, to a surprising makeup item we all need!!!- Desiree reveals all! POWS Desiree Paulas Choice- SKIN PERFECTING- 25% AHA + 2% BHA Exfoliant Peel Essence Super Fine Eyeliner Pen Waterproof Roj Paulas Choice- CLINICAL- Ceramide-Enriched Firming Eye Cream

Acne is a common skin condition that affects most people at some point in their lives. Acne can be in the form of spots, oily skin and sometimes cause the skin to be quite painful to touch. That said, Acne is definitely not just a skin concern as it is often associated with leading to depression, anxiety, poor self-image and poor self-esteem. To shine some light on this very important concern, I spoke to Melbourne-based dermatologist Dr Ryan De Cruz. Dr Ryan runs his own specialist medical centre, Southern Dermatology, and is also a consultant for Australia’s first teledermatology subscription service, Software. Dr Ryan has worked in dermatology for over a decade across both Australia and the UK and is super passionate about breaking through the noise of the skin industry to provide patients information that actually is clear and concise. While his specialist medical centre provide expertise on all skin-related concerns, Dr Ryan is particularly passionate about eczema, acne and ros...

If you’ve followed me for a while now, you would know that 111Skin is brand I very much adore. So it felt fitting to kick off a new season with none other than the founder herself, Eva Alexandridis. Eva developed the luxury skincare brand from the demand of her husband’s patients. Her husband, Yannis Alexandrides, an American Board and European Board-certified surgeon is known worldwide for his cosmetic practices and has set a base for the last 20 years at 111 Harley Street. What started as wanting to create a product that helped post-treatment has moulded into 5 expert skincare ranges, over 50 tailored products, used in world-class spa resorts and coveted by the leading luxury retail spaces. Instead of pumping millions into paid big-name influencers and marketing, she has instead cultivated organic partnerships, focused on science and developed genuine relationships, all resulting in shaping 111SKIN’s global presence. Successfully balancing a luxury skincare brand, entrepreneurs...

She's wise. She’s talented. She’s one of my skin icons. She’s who Martha raved about last week. She’s Kiki Chakra. Today Kiki joins us for the second time, this time to give us a complete understanding into one of the craziest peeling facials ever- Cosmelan. “Huh?” You ask. Cosmelan is a treatment that works to target hyperpigmentation and to control the appearance of new dark spots. Don't worry, there is no question that Kiki leaves unanswered. Kiki also chats to us about Maskne and, how we can be taking care of our skin while wearing masks. So fun much fun! See you in Season 4 pal x Kiki's details: @chakrafaceandbody Find me: Insta: @theroject xx

See the trick with beauty is that it’s not always about what’s on paper, it’s also very much about the experience that comes with testing products to know what works and what doesn’t. That experience is certainly not something that Marty is lacking. Witty, beauty-loving, smart and a damn good time- all the terms I want you to think when I say Martha Kalifatidis. Today she joins us to simply have a chat, about anything and everything beauty- the topic we all love. From mullet haircuts to going through acne, to our new favourite serum, to beauty myths she dislikes- it’s safe to say we jammed in just about as much conversation as possible into a recording for you. Oh and, Marty got away with sharing 3 products of the week with you. Love that x POWs Martha Any microfiber cloth Cleansing Egg by PeppyCo - Ava Society- Green Tea Infused Hydrating Moisturiser Roj Sulwhasoo- First Care Activating Serum- ht...

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