The Roman World

The Roman World

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The Roman World introduces students to the society, literature and art of ancient Rome, through a study of its major historical and literary figures, such as Julius Caesar, Augustus, Nero, Virgil and Ovid. We shall look at Rome’s place in the ancient Mediterranean world, and its connections with ancient Greece and other cultures, such as Egypt and Gaul. Through almost constant warfare, Rome accumulated an enormous Mediterranean empire, and this subject will investigate how this shaped Roman culture, through such topics as the acquisition of slaves and the ability to import luxury objects. We shall also see how the civil conflicts of the first century BCE affected Rome and Roman identity, leading to Caesar, Pompey and others engaging in propaganda wars, as seen through competitive monumental building, and to some self-questioning in the literature of the period. Towards the end of the semester, we shall look at Rome’s lasting influence, and the way that we continue to represent Rome in book and film.

Ancient Rome and its culture still exerts an enormous influence on modern culture, particularly in the west. Through media such as film, literature, art, architecture, law codes and political institutions we are still influenced by Rome and we continue to reuse and reinvent Roman forms.This lecture considers some of the ideas which are transmitted when we tell narratives of Rome (for example in the films Gladiator or The Life of Brian) or make reference to ancient Rome in buildings, paintings and even in the classroom. While Rome is still alive for us, we can see that each historical era has reconfigured ancient culture to suit its own ends and remade Rome in its own image. Copyright 2013 La Trobe University, all rights reserved. Contact for permissions.


Buried under the ash from the cataclysmic eruption of the volcano Vesuvius in AD 79, Pompeii and other sites around the Bay of Naples provide extraordinary insights into a Roman town –not just what it looked liked, but how it functioned also. This lecture looks at some of the main public buildings of Pompeii, and especially the development of Pompeii immediately after it was made a Roman colony, and then later in the early Imperial period. What emerges is the role of architecture and other urban adornment in the promotion of individual careers in Pompeii – also reflected in the homes of Pompeiians. Copyright 2013 La Trobe University, all rights reserved. Contact for permissions.

Amphitheatres are notorious as the places where the Romans held their more gruesome forms of "entertainment", including gladiatorial fights, executions of condemned prisoners, and wild beast hunts. As such displays grew more complicated and imaginative in their staging and special effects, so too did the design of the amphitheatres in order to accommodate elaborate performances and the Colosseum in Rome represents the culmination of this architectural development. However, Roman amphitheatres were not just about entertaining the masses: the structures and the events held in them were tightly linked to Roman society and especially to the careers of prominent Romans, who used this form of entertainment as a way to claw their way up the political ladder - and to stay there. This lecture also deals with the wildly popular horse and chariot racing in the circus, a form of entertainment even more closely tied to political factionalism and with huge popular appeal. Copyright 2013 La Trobe ...

After Nero's suicide in 68 CE Rome was plunged into civil war again, as successive military commanders were declared emperor. The victor was Flavius Vespasian, who managed to found a new (Flavian) dynasty. Vespasian oversaw the building of the Colosseum, and both he and his son, Titus, remained popular. However, the third Flavian, Domitian, is depicted as one of the most sinister, paranoid and tyrannical of all Roman emperors, and his murder in 96 brought an end to Rome's second dynasty. Copyright 2013 La Trobe University, all rights reserved. Contact for permissions.

Nero’s subversive courtier, Petronius, is almost certainly the Petronius Arbiter who wrote the satirical work Satyricon, one of the most interesting and bizarre pieces of Roman literature which survives. This novel deals with the nefarious adventures and sexual exploits of three characters travelling through southern Italy, and unusually in Roman literature, primarily involves characters of low status. Freedmen are oftencentral, particularly in the ‘Dinner of Trimalchio’ episode, which satirises the extraordinarily rich but uneducated and vulgar freedman, Trimalchio, whose tyrannical behaviour and aspirations to greatness have led some to see him as a satirical version of Nero himself. Copyright 2013 La Trobe University, all rights reserved. Contact for permissions.

Work is represented as something dirty and sordid by the Roman elite, particularly Cicero, while freedmen always retained some of the stigma associated with their former slave status. This lecture looks at the way workers and freedmen were represented in both elite texts and by themselves, and shows a quite different picture emerging from the tombstones and inscriptions put up by non-elites. Copyright 2013 La Trobe University, all rights reserved. Contact for permissions.

Nero seems to have encouraged innovative art and architecture (including his own extravagant houses), and to have fostered literary achievement. But his 'Golden House' in particular proved unpopular, as it dominated Rome and gave rise to the rumour that Nero himself started the fire of 64 CE so that he could rebuild the city (and then blamed the Christians). Meanwhile the significant literary figures of his reign (Seneca, Lucan and Petronius), who were also members of Nero's imperial court, all fell from grace spectacularly and were forced to suicide. This lecture explores Neronian culture and the key elements of its artistic and literary output. Copyright 2013 La Trobe University, all rights reserved. Contact for permissions.

Claudius is famous as the survivor of the Julio-Claudian family – an unlikely emperor according to both ancient historians and Robert Graves alike. His apparent devotion to his wives led Tacitus and Suetonius to ridicule him, and may he may have been murdered by his fourth wife, Agrippina, the mother of Nero. Nero, in turn, is Rome's most infamous emperor: accused of incest, matricide, sexual deviance and arson. This lecture investigates the reasons why both emperors are represented in such outrageous terms. It also considers the perils faced by those in the imperial court, as well as Nero's interest in Greek culture, and the path which led to his violent death. Copyright 2013 La Trobe University, all rights reserved. Contact for permissions.

When Augustus died in 14 CE, he had successfully established a dynastic form of monarchy which was confirmed by the continuation of the principate. This is despite the loss of all of the male heirs related to him by blood, as his successor was his stepson, Tiberius, seen as gloomy and paranoid in ancient sources. He was in turn succeeded by Caligula - a short-lived emperor who nevertheless made his mark as one of Rome’s most notoriously cruel and deviant rulers. Copyright 2013 La Trobe University, all rights reserved. Contact for permissions.

Augustus continued the late Republican trend of utilising public building as a propagandist tool, to promote himself and his regime. However, Augustan monuments are also notable for their elevation of the emperor's dynasty and their portrayal of women and children – a first in Roman public art. These buildings are therefore useful tools for popularising Augustus' regime and preparing the way for his succession, as well as further cementing his family values in ahighly public way. Copyright 2013 La Trobe University, all rights reserved. Contact for permissions.

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