The Savior Said: A Come Follow Me Podcast

The Savior Said: A Come Follow Me Podcast

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The Savior Said is a weekly podcast by Lexie Austin, based on her musings and study of the New Testament. Lexie is a hot mess, but she loves her Savior! Part gospel discussion, part reality show, each week Lexie will share her thoughts on a Come Follow Me curriculum assignment. This podcast follows the Come Follow Me curriculum of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, but is not a product of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. All opinions expressed belong to Lexie Austin. Copyright 2018, All rights reserved. Find more information at

This is pure bonus content- A weird little side story that happens during Sarah and Abraham's time. It doesn't have much spiritual value, and really not a whole lot to redeem it. It's just kind of interesting. Content warning: discussion of rape and consent.

Oh Hagar. Her story made me SO MAD at first, but then I calmed down and realized that it is one of the most inspiring, faith affirming stories I've read so far. God is with us ALWAYS. He HEARS and He SEES us where we are. Ultimately, Hagar's story is the same of all of ours: a constant reaching towards a God who sees and hears, no matter where we are. The song featured in this episode is Rescue by Lauren Daigle. This episode pairs with the Come Follow Me lesson for February 7-13 AND February 14-20. About the portrait: As I studied the story of Hagar, I was bothered by the idea that she may not have given her consent when she conceived Ishmael. Yes, I know it was a "cultural thing" but just because it's culturally accepted doesn't make it right or mean that she wasn't hurt. So I wanted to give her the chance to voice her opinion, to say "NO". As a result, her hands are held up in a "stop" gesture. But as I studied her story and saw the way that God worked with her, I saw a different ...

This episode is all about Sarah (also known as Sarai). Who was she? What was she like? What kind of life did she lead? How was she a perfect help meet for Abraham? We discuss all this and more in this month’s episode. This episode pairs with the Come Follow Me lesson for February 7-13 AND February 14-20. About the portrait: I had a hard time coming up with Sarah’s hands for this portrait. I knew I wanted to portray her in the mountains by the Dead Sea. Mountains because she metaphorically climbed mountain after mountain in her life. I liked the idea of the Dead Sea at night because the night sky (representing the power of God to give life) would be reflected in something that was dead (the Dead Sea). So I had my background, but how would I create Sarah in this space? I asked my husband what he thought I should do. He said he thought I should paint God placing a baby into Sarah’s arms. While that didn’t make the final cut, it did give me an idea. I thought about the idea of God t...

Join us as we discuss Eve and her role in the Garden of Eden, as well as what her actions mean for us. CFM- This episode will match best with the Come Follow Me lesson for January 10-16. References for this episode include: Women of the Old Testament by Camille Fronk Olson Lessons from Eve by Russell M Nelson Download a PDF of the portrait Find show notes at

It's Christmas Mixtape time! We take the suggested readings from Come Follow Me and listen to some songs that echo the sentiment in the scriptures. Also, I say goodbye in our final episode together. Track listing: #1 Mother by Love & The Outcome #2 Noel by Lauren Daigle #3 God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen (He Has Come For Us) by Meredith Andrews #4 Come Thou Long Expected Jesus by Laura Story #5 O Come O Come Emmanuel by David Archuleta #6 Redemption Song by Mikeschair For more fun, visit:

Awww, this is our last scripture reading assignment together! Waterworks ahead! This week we talk about Moroni's promise, how we can feel the Spirit answer the question "Is the Book of Mormon true?", and the work that Christ has for us to do. Also I begin saying goodbye to all of my amazing listeners! We have one episode left, the Christmas episode. For more fun, visit:

This week we talk about how to judge righteously, the light of Christ and I interview a very brave lady: my friend Brianne! She tells us some things she's pondered as she read Moroni 8 and about the miracles she's witnessed in her son's life. For more fun, visit:

This week Moroni teaches us about various priesthood ordinances. I talk about Gratitude, and how I've been thinking about the Greatness and Goodness of God (specifically the talk, "The Greatness and Goodness of God by Dale G. Renlund from the April 2020 General Conference) and how that popped up in the reading assignment this week. Also, I announce the upcoming retirement (or hiatus???) of The Savior Said. For more fun, visit:

This week we get to talk about one of my FAVORITE stories of the Book of Mormon- Moroni's "weakness in writing". I love what it teaches us about approaching the Lord with humility in our weakness and how He can make weak things become strong. I talk about the importance of faith and hope, and what I learned about hope and my family this week. For more fun, visit:

Do you hear that? It's the sound of waves crashing, wind blowing....and mixtapes playing! That's right, it's a mixtape episode! Since we're traveling with the Jaredites to the promised land, I thought it was appropriate that we listen to some inspirational tunes about water. Songs featured in this mixtape: Into The Sea (It's Gonna Be Ok) by Tasha Layton Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) Lyric Video by Hillsong UNITED Wade in the Water by The Petersens Master the Tempest Is Raging by Ruben Alves Walking on Water by NEEDTOBREATHE For more fun, visit:

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