The Self Love Fix

The Self Love Fix

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Welcome to The Self Love Fix Podcast. I’m your host, Beatrice -an embodiment coach, teacher, and mentor, and founder of The Self Love Over Codependency Program.Are you ready to finally step into your worthiness and magnetism? Are you tired of your limiting beliefs and self-doubt affecting every aspect of your life? You deserve to live an abundant life, you deserve to desire and achieve all of your dreams, and most importantly, you deserve to embody unshakable self-confidence.Believe it or not, I didn’t always embody self-trust. Most of my life, I lived at the mercy of what other people thought of me. It was only during a very low point I experienced during grad school where I asked myself, “Where does your need for perfectionism come from?”This was a game-changing moment for me. For the first time in my life, I asked myself about the origins of my behavior instead of blaming myself for them. From then on, I promised to live out my passion and mission for embodying my true essence and to teach others to do the same.That’s exactly why I created this podcast. This podcast is all about helping you shift from shame, people-pleasing, codependency, low self-esteem, and self-doubt and into alignment, expansion, and unapologetic self-trust through spirituality and healing the inner-child. For more information about the podcast, or other ways you can work with me, visit: www.beatricekamau.comI would love to connect with you more on social media! You can find me at:IG: @theselflovefixWebsite:

Anxious attachment is tricky, and it can definitely get you into some relationship trouble if you don’t know how to deal with it. It can leave you scared of true intimacy even though it’s also what you want above all else. Talk about a hell of your own anxious making. That’s why in this episode of the Self Love Fix Podcast we’ll talk more about: The pitfalls of anxious attachment How to navigate dating in a healthier way When you feel complete and whole and loved by yourself, you know that a partner isn’t the end all be all. You can see things clearly, and accept what’s for you…and what isn’t with grace and dignity that you’ve had inside you all along. Get clear before you start dating, remember that dating is a process of gathering information and that as long as you give the relationship time to evolve, even if it doesn’t work out in the end, at least you were brave enough to try and grow. If you love what you learned, be sure to hit that follow button so you never miss a future episode, and make sure to leave a review to help me reach more listeners just like you looking to follow their inner truth and live a life of abundance & authentic self-love. CONNECT WITH BEATRICE: Instagram: Website: Episode Resources Escape the situationship cycle and become available for an actual relationship. Take accountability for what you really want with my free, transformative 5-day resource. Receive daily tips to help you attract the right kind of men.

There you are, hoping, wishing, praying for real and lasting love- an honest-to-goodness relationship…so why the heck are you continually settling for a situationship? You know what I’m talking about, right? The situationship- the kind of dating when the guy says stuff like “seeing where it’s going, keeping it casual, just hanging out” and you pretend to be cool with it as your soul dies a little more and your doubt climbs, because can you actually change his mind? No, probably not. So on this episode, let’s figure out: Why we keep repeating this pattern How to break it You might feel powerless right now- after all how much control do you have over all the terrible men out there just waiting to screw you over…but the thing is, most of them aren’t. And you have a lot more control than you think you do because a lot of this work needs to come from you. Let me help you get started. If you liked this episode of the podcast, take a screenshot, head on over to my Instagram and share it on your IG stories, and tag me, @theselflovefix. If you love what you learned, be sure to hit that follow button so you never miss a future episode, and make sure to leave a review to help me reach more listeners just like you looking to follow their inner truth and live a life of abundance & authentic self-love. CONNECT WITH BEATRICE: Instagram: Website:

For most of us love is (or at least was) an elusive mystery we could only dream of. That’s why today I’m so excited to welcome my guest Crystal Irom, a Love Coach specifically for successful women. As if women didn’t have it hard enough these days, amiright? Why is it that especially women who are successful in every other aspect of their lives struggle to find someone to love? Is it because men are intimidated? Are these women (possibly you) doomed to roam the world biding your time in between horrible dates and dead-end relationships? We examine all of this and more in the latest episode of The Self-Love Fix Podcast along with: How to adjust how you present yourself What settling really means How to love yourself before you love someone else Men and women are different, and that includes what’s important to men in terms of a relationship. The key is knowing the parts of yourself that pave the way for connection, and understanding that to be in love means to be vulnerable. It a...

I’m beyond thrilled to welcome Elisa Liu onto the podcast today to talk about body image, diet culture, and ways to begin to trust our own hunger again. For most of us, indulging in what our bodies may be asking for often comes with a hefty dose of guilt. Really intense restriction can mean that your overall control is absolutely shot. Diet culture is everywhere and it tells us that no matter what we do, it’s never enough. It’s no wonder that we feel the need to deny ourselves at every opportunity; we’re taught to equate self-discipline with goodness and eating anything less than the perfect diet as bad or failure. In this episode of The Self Love Fix Podcast we’ll talk more with Elisa about: The effects restriction can have on our relationship with food How self-control can seem out of reach How to heal and overcome seeing foods as “good” and “bad” Your worth is who you are and how you connect to yourself and others- it’s how you show up in your life. You are so much bigger and brighter than any number on a scale, or a size stitched in some pants. One day you’ll believe that. If you liked this episode of the podcast, take a screenshot, head on over to my Instagram and share it on your IG stories, and tag me, @theselflovefix. If you love what you learned, be sure to hit that follow button so you never miss a future episode, and make sure to leave a review to help me reach more listeners just like you looking to follow their inner truth and live a life of abundance & authentic self-love. CONNECT WITH BEATRICE: Instagram: Website:

Today we’re going to talk about something that most people would deny- the fact that we all get jealous. But what if instead of shoving it down in a well of shame, we instead took a moment to process it? Chances are when you feel jealousy rear its ugly head, it’s not even really about whatever you’re envious of. You probably grew up in a household where you were constantly compared to others: a sibling, a classmate, whoever it might have been. This taught you never to truly see yourself or focus on your own needs, but only to view yourself as you related to others. Your path was defined by theirs, or at least, you thought it should have been. In this episode we’ll talk more about: How comparison culture causes jealousy What our jealousy might be trying to tell us How to embrace our own personal journey Jealousy isn’t even really about what the other person has or is doing; I’d argue it’s actually a signal that you’re searching for love and acceptance. It’s a warning sign flagging you down that maybe just maybe you’re not on a path that will lead you to the happy life you deserve. If you liked this episode of the podcast, take a screenshot, head on over to my Instagram and share it on your IG stories, and tag me, @theselflovefix. If you love what you learned, be sure to hit that follow button so you never miss a future episode, and make sure to leave a review to help me reach more listeners just like you looking to follow their inner truth and live a life of abundance & authentic self-love. CONNECT WITH BEATRICE: Instagram: Website:

Oh, comparison. It’s the thief of joy or something like that, right? Well, I’d argue that social media has definitely proven that concept correct. Now more than ever it’s important for us to redefine our personal journey and goals along the way, or we risk being swept up in unattainable expectations from relative strangers on the internet. On this episode of The Self Love Fix Podcast we’ll chat more on: Defining luxury and what you want for yourself Not basing life on what you think you should want Once you stop measuring your life based on what you lack, an entirely new world opens up to you. A world where you get to choose what you value, and where you want to go. If you liked this episode of the podcast, take a screenshot, head on over to my Instagram and share it on your IG stories, and tag me, @theselflovefix. If you love what you learned, be sure to hit that follow button so you never miss a future episode, and make sure to leave a review to help me reach more listeners just like you looking to follow their inner truth and live a life of abundance & authentic self-love. CONNECT WITH BEATRICE: Instagram: Website:

Chances are you’ve likely heard about the new trend in parenting- gentle parenting. While it may sound permissive or ineffective, if you really look into it, it’s the natural response to the inherent violence that has been culturally accepted in previous generations. In the latest episode of The Self-Love Fix Podcast I have a chance to talk with Leslie of LatinX parenting and go over: Why violence is culturally accepted in parenting The tenants of gentle parenting Respect > fear Blind obedience through fear is not helping our children learn how to process difficult emotions, and it is a breeding ground for future emotional issues and resentments. It can be hard to find other ways when we were most likely brought up by parents who never modeled apologizing for the sake of repair or connection- the emphasis was on obedience at all costs. Our parents wanted to win, no matter how it ultimately affected us as people, and our relationship with them. We don’t need to be perfect all the time to raise thoughtful and compassionate children; we simply have to always try and honor the person they are becoming while understanding that when we “lose it”, it’s actually a wonderful opportunity to show them accountability. If you liked this episode of the podcast, take a screenshot, head on over to my Instagram and share it on your IG stories, and tag me, @theselflovefix. If you love what you learned, be sure to hit that follow button so you never miss a future episode, and make sure to leave a review to help me reach more listeners just like you looking to follow their inner truth and live a life of abundance & authentic self-love. CONNECT WITH BEATRICE: Instagram: Website: Connect with Leslie Priscilla on Instagram: EPISODE RESOURCES: Escape the situationship cycle and become available for an actual relationship. Take accountability for what you really want with my free, transformative 5-day resource. Receive daily tips to help you attract the right kind of men.

Today we’re going to talk about burnout; you probably know the feeling. There you are, trucking along in your business when suddenly, seemingly out of the blue, you go from boundless enthusiasm to fatigue and cynicism. How? Why? And what the heck do you do? I’m glad you asked. Burnout is essentially stress, but it’s the stress we feel after we have consistently taken on too much responsibility at work. In the latest episode of the podcast I talk more about: Warning signs of burnout What to look for to suggest you are close to burnout Ways to improve your quality of life You don’t have to feel guilty because you want to take a break now and then. Nor do you have to be ashamed to admit that sometimes you need help. Doing it all is a myth, and you’re allowed to do what you need to do in order to feel fulfilled, happy and carefree. If you liked this episode of the podcast, take a screenshot, head on over to my Instagram and share it on your IG stories, and tag me, @theselflovefix. If you love what you learned, be sure to hit that follow button so you never miss a future episode, and make sure to leave a review to help me reach more listeners just like you looking to follow their inner truth and live a life of abundance & authentic self-love. CONNECT WITH BEATRICE: Instagram: Website: EPISODE RESOURCES: Escape the situationship cycle and become available for an actual relationship. Take accountability for what you really want with my free, transformative 5-day resource. Receive daily tips to help you attract the right kind of men.

I am so excited for this empowering episode! Today, three incredible women joined the podcast, each of them having gone through my Self Love Over Codependency program. They were kind and brave enough to share their journeys to self-discovery, what they learned from the program, and how it’s changed them for good. I’m so inspired by each of their stories because it really shows the connections and differences between each person’s experience with SLOC. I’m so glad that their lives have been enhanced by the program, and I can’t wait for you to hear their accounts. Here’s a rundown of the episode: Ashley M.’s SLOC Journey Samantha’s SLOC Journey Ashley S.’s SLOC Journey From changes in how they perceive themselves to the way they interact with others to changes in their physical beings, SLOC has touched their lives in irreversible ways! I’m so happy for them and greatly appreciate their willingness to share. If you liked this episode of the podcast, take a screenshot, head on...

Do you have an easy time trusting yourself when it comes to putting your trust in others? What about deciphering what resonates with you and what doesn’t? If these areas feel a little shaky for you, then you’ll find a lot of value in this episode! I’m talking all things self-trust, and it’s definitely a juicy topic that is not to be missed. When it comes to self-trust, it can be easy to fall back into old patterns associated with trauma or codependency. I know because I’ve been there myself! But hear me when I tell you that your needs are important, and they deserve to be met. We’re all wired for human connection and emotional intimacy, so allow yourself to have that! Here’s what I talk about in this episode: Trusting Yourself & Opening Up Emotionally Your Need for Emotional Connection Trusting Yourself in Trusting Information Finding trust in yourself when it comes to opening up emotionally, trusting others, and remaining confident in what you believe really comes down to your ability to connect with your body and intuition. This is the guiding light that helps us overcome so many fears and obstacles, and the same can be said for that important ability to self-trust. If you liked this episode of the podcast, take a screenshot, head on over to my Instagram and share it on your IG stories, and tag me, @theselflovefix. If you love what you learned, be sure to hit that follow button so you never miss a future episode, and make sure to leave a review to help me reach more listeners just like you looking to follow their inner truth and live a life of abundance & authentic self-love. CONNECT WITH BEATRICE: Instagram: Website: EPISODE RESOURCES: You’re invited to a 4 day *FREE* live, online community event (including a private, pop-up facebook group!) Join Nothing Was The Same Week to shift out of worry & fear and into next-level worthiness & confidence:

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