The Storm: A Lost Rewatch Podcast

The Storm: A Lost Rewatch Podcast

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Having survived the long night of Game of Thrones, podcasters Dave Gonzales, Joanna Robinson, and Neil Miller had to go back for a massive rewatch of ABC's hit show Lost.  And don't be surprised if a few other major storm-fronts open up along the way.

Joanna, Neil, and Dave are podcasting once again with TRIAL BY CONTENT, the pop culture debate show that is going to definitely answer the biggest and most important questions. Subscribe now in all podcasting apps, or online for new episodes every Tuesday.

This week, Dave and Neil drop in with JoannaBot to talk about "The New Man In Charge" the post-script to Lost that was included on the DVD releases as a post-script to the fantastic ride that has been The Storm podcast. We also have the results on the final Island of Kisstory Polls and updates about where to find us and how to keep an eye on this feed. Follow Neil (@rejects) and Da7e (@da7e) on Twitter! Follow us for the latest on Twitter @stormpodcast at

This week, Joanna, Dave and Neil go back over the entire run of Lost to pick out the best of the best (with listener input!) for THE FINAL CORNERS. Only one person/thing/pairing can win each category and either your hosts agree...or Neil is right by default. It's Joanna's final episode of THE STORM (Dave and Neil will be back to wrap things up next week), so we go all out covering: Most Mysterious Moment (Jungle of Mystery) Giacchino Corner Boone Carlisle Memorial Falling Down Award Accent Corner (Worst Accent) I MARRIED HER Coincidence Corner John Locke Memorial Coming Back Award Best Desmond Button Moment Abs Aterno Henry Gale Memorial Obviously a Lie Award A Woo Loo Loo Best Time Travel Moment Jungle of Kisstery Best Book Appearance on Lost Charlie Pace Memorial Final Words Falcon Punch Coming Right Now Act Break Award Dumb Elaborate Artifact of the Show Jeers Award - Best Burn on Jack Shepard Most 2004 Thing Best Podcast Running Joke Follow Neil (@rejects), Joanna (@jowrotethis), Da7e (@da7e) on Twitter! Follow us for the latest on Twitter @stormpodcast at

This week, Joanna is talking to Jeff Jensen and Dan Snierson who produced and starred in the Totally Lost show for Entertainment Weekly during the final seasons of Lost, including being on set for key moments in the sixth season. Dan even revisited the show just for this podcast! Then, after the interview, Joanna, Dave and Neil want to prepare you for next week's big episode THE STORM: THE FINAL CORNERS, which could include: Most Mysterious Moment (Jungle of Mystery) Giacchino Corner Boone Carlisle Memorial Falling Down Award Accent Corner (Worst Accent) I MARRIED HER Coincidence Corner John Locke Memorial Coming Back Award Best Desmond Button Moment Abs Aterno Henry Gale Memorial Obviously a Lie Award A Woo Loo Loo Best Time Travel Moment Jungle of Kisstery Best Book Appearance on Lost Charlie Pace Memorial Final Words Falcon Punch Coming Right Now Act Break Award Dumb Elaborate Artifact of the Show Jeers Award - Best Burn on Jack Shepard Most 2004 Thing Send your e-mails with FINAL CORNERS to to talk back at the show. Follow Neil (@rejects), Joanna (@jowrotethis), Da7e (@da7e)on Twitter! Follow us for the latest on Twitter @stormpodcast at

This week, Joanna, Dave, and Neil have some updates on The Storm podcast, then Joanna breaks off for a surprising chat with Damon Lindelof about The Final Season of Lost. Send your Lost comments to @StormPodcast on Twitter and e-mails to to talk back at the show. Follow Neil (@rejects), Joanna (@jowrotethis), Da7e (@da7e) and the show (@StormPodcast) on Twitter! Subscribe to get exclusive content! - Check us out at

This week, Joanna, Dave, and Neil just realized that Joanna has been in the email hatch pushing the button this whole time. That's right, it's a post-finale episode comprised of your emails and reactions to Lost, the podcast itself, the pandemic, and your humble hosts. We've compiled some amazing emails from you, our listeners and stitched them together in this not-tight episode of reactions and feelings. Plus - we'll tell you what LOST stuff we have coming up! Send your Lost comments to @StormPodcast on Twitter and e-mails to to talk back at the show. Follow Neil (@rejects), Joanna (@jowrotethis), Da7e (@da7e) and the show (@StormPodcast) on Twitter! Subscribe to get exclusive content! - Check us out at

This week, Joanna, Dave, and Neil are revisiting some special content wrapping up their Lost Re-Watch. Now that we all know what the cork is, we thought we'd share this wonderful bonus episode made by Neil and Joanna covering the 10th Anniversary of the Lost finale. On May 23, 2010, LOST aired its final episode. In this very special bonus episode, Joanna converses with friends from around the LOST community as we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the finale! This podcast is all STORM and includes contributions from Alan Sepinwall, Dan Fienberg, Mo Ryan, Myles McNutt, Jacob Stolworthy, Josh Wigler, Mike Bloom, Emily VanDerWerff, Jeff Jensen, Lani Diane Rich, Jo Garfein, and Jorge Garcia Send your Lost comments to @StormPodcast on Twitter and e-mails to to talk back at the show and be part of next week's mailbag! Follow Neil (@rejects), Joanna (@jowrotethis), Da7e (@da7e) and the show (@StormPodcast) on Twitter! Subscribe to get exclusive content! - Check us out at

This week, Joanna, Dave, and Neil are wrapping it up for Season 6, Episode 17 - "The End" - Things get climactic on the Island and we finally learn what the Sideways is/was/forever-will-be. Although this is the last episode specific podcast, there will be more The Storm: A Lost Rewatch podcast with some wrap up episodes in the following weeks! Including a LOST mailbag for next week's episode, so send your Lost comments and e-mails to! You can send e-mails about ANYTHING having to do with Lost. Follow Neil (@rejects), Joanna (@jowrotethis), Da7e (@da7e) and the show (@StormPodcast) on Twitter! Subscribe to get exclusive content! - Check us out at Theme by DJ EMPIRICAL

This week, Joanna, Dave, and Neil are having some fireside chats with Jacob for Season 6, Episode 16 - "What They Died For" - In the Sideways, Creepy Desmond seems to be making some progress, Jacob breaks down what it all means to the final Candidates, Ben and Widmore meet again. This podcast is split into two main sections THE CALM that only discusses the preceding this week everything but the finale and avoids all spoilers from the finale, and a second section called THE STORM. For the last week on Lost It's a “Storm” of spoilers discussing this week's episode in the context of having seen the finale and over a decade of Lost fandom.. Send your Lost comments to @StormPodcast on Twitter and e-mails to to talk back at the show! You can send e-mails about ANYTHING having to do with Lost. Follow Neil (@rejects), Joanna (@jowrotethis), Da7e (@da7e) and the show (@StormPodcast) on Twitter! Subscribe to get exclusive content! - Check us out at Theme by DJ EMPIRICAL TIMECODES: THE CALM (Through Season 6, Episode 16 discussion) - 22 minutes, 24 seconds THE FINAL STORM - (SPOILERS!) - 1 hour, 33 Minutes and 13 seconds

This week, Joanna, Dave, and Neil taking it waaaaaay back for Season 6, Episode 15 - "Across The Sea" - Learn about the origins of Jacob and The Man in Black in this very different episode of Lost. This week's INTERVIEW is with returning guest, Rolling Stone's Chief TV Critic, Alan Sepinwall! You can follow him on Twitter @Sepinwall, read his Rolling Stone writing hereand check out his book with Matt Zoller Seitz - The Sopranos Sessions. He's also the creator and host of the Too Long; Didn't Watch podcast. This podcast is split into two main sections THE CALM where we talk about just the episodes we've watched up to this point and do not discuss facts and knowledge from later in the series and THE STORM where make use of all the knowledge that 6 seasons of Lost and 15 years of Lost fandom has generated, plus our own crazy brains. Send your Lost comments to @StormPodcast on Twitter and e-mails to to talk back at the show! You can send e-mails about ANY of the sixth season episodes of Lost, just include the title of the episode you're addressing. Follow Neil (@rejects), Joanna (@jowrotethis), Da7e (@da7e) and the show (@StormPodcast) on Twitter! Subscribe to get exclusive content! - Check us out at Theme by DJ EMPIRICAL TIMECODES: THE CALM (Through Season 6, Episode 15 discussion) - 22 minutes, 23 seconds THE INTERVIEW (No Spoilers) - 1 hour, 25 Minutes and 29 seconds THE PENULTIMATE STORM - (SPOILERS!) - 2 hours, 5 Minutes and 48 seconds

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