This week in On Shelves Now we look at Marauders 6 and 7, Excalibur 6 and 7, Fallen Angles 6, New Mutants 6 and 7, X-Force 6 and 7, X-Men/Fantastic Four 1, and X-Men 6. We then pick the Top 5 mutants we would want quarantined at home with our families during this pandemic. And in Retro Reviews we read the complete Fatal Attractions series: X-Factor 92, X-Force 25, Uncanny 304, X-Men 25, Wolverine 75, and Excalibur 71. Download the episode right hereor oniTunes. Follow us onFacebookandTwitter! You can leave voicemails at 843-NEFARIA, or email us at
In our first shelter at home episode, we review issues 3 and 4 of Marauders, Excalibur, X-Force, New Mutants, X-Men and Fallen Angels. We then blast through a giant sized Fastball Special. And in Retro Reviews we work our way towards Fatal Attractions with X-Men 22, 23 and 24 and Uncanny 302 and 303. And here is the recipe for Alabama White BBQ Sauce
This week we continue through the Dawn of X with issues 2 and 3 of X-Men, Excalibur, Marauders, New Mutants, X-Force and Fallen Angels. In the long awaited return of The Top 5 we honor the Jean/Scott/Wolverine living situation by coming up with the best X-Men “Throuples”. And in Retro Reviews we dig into X-Factor 91, X-Factor Annual 8, and X-Force 22 and 23.
This week in On Shelves Now we read the #1 issues of X-Men, The Marauders, X-Force, Excalibur, New Mutants and Fallen Angels. We then take a deep dive on our complicated feelings about The Rise of Skywalker and The Mandalorian Season 1. And in Retro Reviews we look at Uncanny 300 and 301, and X-Men 20 and 21.
This can't be real. Two in one month. Well believe it true believers! This week Rob and Brian finish up House of X and Power of X reading issues 3-6 of both. Then we have an impromptu debate about our perfect mutant existence. And in Retro Reviews we go through X-Force 20 and 21 and X-Factor 89 and 90.
Year One. Podcast begins. Year 10. We barely record. Year 100. The illegitimate children of Count Nefaria take over the show. Year 1000. Still the greatest X-Men podcast ever. Welcome back to the Uncanny X-Cast my children. We hope you survive the experience.
After a short hiatus, the X-Cast returns to catch up on everything we haven't talked about in the past year. We also continue where we supposedly left on in Retros, looking at Uncanny 288, X-Force 19, X-Factor 88 and X-Men 17.
This week we review Civil War: X-Men 2, Extraordinary 11, Uncanny 10 and 11, All New X-Men 11, and a bunch of comics from the DC Rebirth launch. We then catch up on ComicCon and Non-ComicCon related information in KAPOW! News. And in Retros we look at Uncanny 287, XFactor 87, X-Men 17,andX-Force 19.
This week in On Shelves Now we reviewCivil War 0 - 3, X-Men Civil War 1 and 2, Uncanny X-Men 7 - 8, All New X-Men 9 - 10, Extraordinary X-Men, They’re Not Like Us, and Descender. We then discuss the imminent end of the X-Men in KAPOW! News. And in Retros we finish off X-Cutioner's Song withUncanny 286, XFactor 86, X-Men 16,andX-Force 18. All this and more about the X-Men, Wolverine, Deadpool, Apocalypse, Count Nefaria and all your other favorites from Marvel's Merry Mutants.
This week in On Shelves Now we look at Uncanny X-Men 6, All-New X-Men 7 and 8, Extraordinary X-Men 9, Avengers Standoff - Civil War, and Harrow County. We then catch you up on everything news from Star Wars comics to Snotgirl. And in Retro Reviews we continue our look back at X-Cutioner''s Song with XFactor 85,X-Men 15, Uncanny 295 and X-Force 17.