Joe and Taylor are back to talk about the future: the inchoate science of the mind; presently-untheorized forms of social organization; transcendental computation. The discussion begins with Laruelle and the belligerence of philosophy.
Joe and Taylor are back for more than two hours of Theory Talk. In the first session: writing and philosophy; the citational nexus between Deleuze, Guattari, Laruelle and Badiou. In the second session, some meditations on the ancient world with Homer and Socrates.
Come along on a voyage to where no philosopher has gone before! (Okay, maybe they've gone there.) A brief analysis of the Greek word "nomos" introduces a critical discussion of Star Trek, specifically TOS and TNG, which is the material we are most familiar with. Spatiality and strategy; aesthetics and social transformation; becoming-child, utopian ethics and the absolute. Join Taylor and Joe on a journey to the edge of metaphysical space! Theory Talk is a weird and wonderful philosophy podcast produced by Joseph Weissman and Taylor Adkins. Follow us on twitter at Subscribe for exclusive content at Cover photo is "Trouble Light" (1977), Joseph Nechvatal.
Laruelle's nonstandard philosophy. Suspension in Laruelle and Kierkegaard; superposition and aufhebung; philosophy, religion and tyranny; the ethics of decision; inclusivity and futural thought-amplitudes.
Dr. David John Roden, philosopher and author of Posthuman Life. Come explore the edges of the human with us! Speculative and critical posthumanisms; the transhuman problematic; ethics and filters; hyperplastics and dark phenomena.
Joe and Taylor are back to talk philosophy (of) cybernetics: Turing and Chomsky; general intelligence and stratification; the infinity of the dictionary (and of other regimes of signification); teleology and transformation; language and world-modeling.
Joe and Taylor converse about dreams: language and the unconscious; stratification and associative lines; deep time and disconnection; industrial civilization and dreaming-machines; the social function of dreaming. Recommended Reading: The Lathe of Heaven, Ursula le Guin The Book of Chang-Tzu Fragments, Heraclitus Daybreak, Nietzsche
Join Joe and Taylor for a conversation about language with Guattari and Chomsky. Wiener and Simondon; transcendental utopianism; antiproduction; pragmatics and diagrams; the political economy of language. Recommended Reading: Recursivity and Contingency (Yuk Hui) "Introduction: Rhizome" from A Thousand Plateaus (Deleuze and Guattari) The Machinic Unconscious (Felix Guattari, tr. Taylor Adkins!)
Join Taylor and Joe as they explore the vital individuations of the living form. Zarathustra’s sympathy for unfortunate exceptions and transitional forms; zoological creativity and imagination; natural languages and organic programs; society and animality: the imprinting of an ecology on the individual and the transcoding of living forms between species; life as experimental technology; from morality to ethico-aesthetics. Recommended Reading: “Pure Variation and Organic Stratification” (Jérôme Rosanvallon) Perspectives on Organisms (Longo and Montevil) Nietzsche and the Becoming of Life (Vanessa Lemm) The Form of Becoming (Janina Wellman) Support Theory Talk:
Joe and Taylor talk about Taylor and Rocco Gangle's forthcoming translation of "Non-standard Philosophy" by François Laruelle: superpositions; speculative supercolliders; amplitudes of thought; fluctuations of the soul; practical utopia. Support Theory Talk on Patreon today: go ahead, take a second right now and subscribe -- Thanks so much to all our listeners and supporters. You make the show possible!