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Andy Arson Newton is a decorated combat veteran, a fitness professional and zen practitioner. But before that he was just a kid from Chicago looking to make his way in a wild world.The Thorocast is a smash medley of sarcasm, long-form conversation and exploratory thought. If you're easily offended, find another podcast.

Jess Wayne makes her 1,300th appearance on the podcast. I apologize for the month hiatus. Minnesota has been difficult, and the fucking Coronavirus killed 2 out of 3 scheduled guests. Somehow Jess Wayne has survived. Thanks, Jesus.

Chad Worman joins Red Jesus & YS for the first time in a long time. We talk about the coronavirus, Chad's insane come-up, and what constitutes America. If you don't like this episode, eat shit.

THIS EPISODE IS ALSO AVAILABLE ON YOUTUBE. Red Jesus & 5for40 return in new fashion. VISUAL SHIT FOR THAT ASS. For a few Episodes we're going to focus on producing video content for our audience. However, you can listen to it here as well.

Andrea Nisler doesn't watch porn. She's too busy training to kill Rich Froning & Team Mayhem at the upcoming 2020 CrossFit Games. She is without a doubt one of the most unique animals ever to sit across from me on this podcast. This conversation was dope.

Molly Jasper and Lizzy Persico are sisters. They both are colleagues of mine at CrossFit My Town. Both have been in the fitness game for years. We don't even talk about that, for real. Most of this episode we justify our toxic relationships with abusive male celebrities. Enjoy.

Joey Origami is a local legend. This is his second appearance on the Thorocast. We talked about his personal Anime ranking system, his ups and downs of the past year, and his thoughts on God, Time, and Reality.

Kate Lutgen is the Storm. She leads the Phoenix, a sobriety-based fitness community, at CrossFit SISU in Minneapolis, MN. Within this episode you will hear Kate sing along to the Michael Jackson song from the Free Willy soundtrack. Fucking prepare yourself.

Zach Gulla is a set dresser in LA. He works to build the environments you see on your favorite movies and television shows and we barely fucking talk about that. What we do talk about is family, because he is family. Zach is married to my significant other's sister, which makes him my could-be-brother-in-law. This was a phenomenal two hours. Check it out, fuckers.

Andy & Devs wrap up the year by discussing Album of the Year, Film of the Year, and Clown of the Year. This is the final Episode recorded in Thoro HQ in Kansas City, MO. Future episode will be remote with Devs, or recorded at Thoro North in MPLS.

Andy & Devs sit down one-on-one for the last time before the move to MPLS to field questions from the listeners.

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