Tmsoft's White Noise Sleep Sounds

Tmsoft's White Noise Sleep Sounds

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Having trouble sleeping, focusing, relaxing? We've got you covered! From white noise to nature sounds and everything in between, our 9 hour podcasts are made to help you focus, relax, and sleep better.Become a subscriber at for ad-free listening on Spotify Podcasts! Stream our sounds on Spotify, Amazon, YouTube Music, and more! Just look for Tmsoft's White Noise Sleep Sounds.Relax. Sleep. Better.

There is something special and peaceful about a walk in the rain. The green foliage of the forest glistens from the rain and taking a moment to stop at a babbling stream nature provides scenes and sounds of awe. Rain patters on the broad leaves of foliage, plunks into the stream, and splashes onto the ground. Thunder rolls and crashes overhead and a small river trickles past. Spotify listener? Lose the intros by becoming a subscriber! Learn more about the White Noise App Download the White Noise app for free! Download this sound to White Noise for free! --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.

Heavy winds rage outside past old paned windows. Gaps in the frames let in small streams of fresh air that whistle with the wind. This is the sound from Creaky House in Howling Wind but with the house creaks removed. Spotify listener? Lose the intros by becoming a subscriber! Learn more about the White Noise App Download the White Noise app for free! Download this sound to White Noise for free! --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.

The Trawler by James Brendan Connolly is a short story that concerns the life of fishermen on a boat in Gloucester. The tale begins with a new crew member taking his fallen friend's place and charts the ship's open sea journey from Gloucester to Newfoundland. This story is narrated by Bob Neufield and edited by TMSOFT. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.

Its a great day to unwind at the lake. The birds are out and singing, water lapping, and a fire crackling on the shoreline for an extra comfort. Spotify listener? Lose the intros by becoming a subscriber! Learn more about the White Noise App Download the White Noise app for free! Download this sound to White Noise for free! --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.

In a more secluded part of the city the sound of traffic still makes its way indoors but as a gentle lull. Rain patters onto the open window and metal windowsill nearby. Spotify listener? Lose the intros by becoming a subscriber! Learn more about the White Noise App Download the White Noise app for free! Download this sound to White Noise for free! Stream this sound for free on Spotify, Amazon, and Youtube Music! --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.

The Adventures of Mabel by Harry Thurston Peck tells the story of Mabel and her dreamy, magical travels. When Mabel saves an animal in the woods she is gifted the ability to converse with the animals. With her newfound powers Mabel sets off with her new animal friends on a variety of exciting and unique adventures. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.

Fiji is a nation of islands that sits east of Australia and north of New Zealand. Hear the sound of waves crashing onto the white sands of an idyllic beach. Spotify listener? Lose the intros by becoming a subscriber! Learn more about the White Noise App Download the White Noise app for free! Download this sound to White Noise for free! --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.

While its a little too cool for the AC to be on, a standing air conditioner runs on fan mode at the lowest setting. Spotify listener? Lose the intros by becoming a subscriber! Learn more about the White Noise App Download the White Noise app for free! Download this sound to White Noise for free! --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.

Half Past Bedtime is a collection of magical tales for both children and adults by the author H. H. Bashford. The tales all take place in the same village with a variety of different characters. From whimsical to exciting and touching, Half Past Bedtime contains stories for everyone. This story is narrated by Phil Chenevert and edited by TMSOFT. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.

The Ford LTL 9000 was a long haul series semi truck introduced as a competitor in the 1980s to other tractor trailers. Listen to the sound of the Ford's large motor as it idles in wait. Spotify listener? Lose the intros by becoming a subscriber! Learn more about the White Noise App Download the White Noise app for free! Download this sound to White Noise for free! --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.

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