Today in Digital Marketing

Today in Digital Marketing

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Every weekday, Tod Maffin brings you a fast-paced 8-minute rundown of what you missed in the world of digital marketing and social media. Thousands of senior marketers listen each day.

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This could be big — direct payments in Instagram DMs. Snapchat brings its core features to desktop. Retail braces for gloomy skies ahead. Twitter releases some brand building research. Is the poop emoji finally number 1? And more! Privacy & Opt-Out:

Why are consumers scared of augmented reality?… The sorry state of review replies… Pinterest could be in chaos soon… Is Amazon dropping its own products?… And Meta proudly announces it has invented that (a) already exists, and (b) you can’t touch. Privacy & Opt-Out:

The biggest sign ever that TikTok looms large… Why is livestreamed commerce so slow in the world’s largest markets?… How your brand can directly control Twitter’s timelines… and Facebook now wants you to break one of its longest-held Community Guidelines. Privacy & Opt-Out:

The reckoning at Meta has begun… how is TikTok chipping into Google’s search business… The decline of the top-funnel… how physical mail may be your best tactic in the year ahead… and review extortion. Privacy & Opt-Out:

Keeping the nasties away from your spanky new TikTok ad campaign… PMax gets some notable upgrades… Sprout Social’s new update might mean an increase in your bill… and Hootsuite’s Owl makes a change, for the… cuter? Privacy & Opt-Out:

- Twitter adds “unmention” - How streaming services skirt laws - Instagram finally adds desktop livestreaming - How agencies feel about TV ads - TikTok’s new training resource - Amazon’s Prime memberships stagnate Privacy & Opt-Out:

As marketers, we're taught early on that even the mere mention of the existence of a competitor is a bad idea. But... have we had it wrong all along? A special in-depth episode. Privacy & Opt-Out:

On today's episode: - Think you’re building your brand’s metaverse? Nope, you’re not. - The update to Performance Max we were all waiting for ! - Some nice updates to Pinterest commerce and YouTube analytics - Google clamps down on a creepy API it runs - And is there actually some truth to the old “Have you tried increasing your budget” advice? Privacy & Opt-Out:

Agencies holding onto Meta — barely Ad updates from Microsoft, Facebook, and Google GA4 Now In Search Insights Console Three Solutions to Lousy Podcast Conversion Amazon Sells In-Store Product Data TikTok: Yeah, Some Data Does Go to China After All. Privacy & Opt-Out:

Behind the scenes of a brand's Twitter meltdown... meet the Smell-o-Vision of our generation... Both Amazon and TikTok cut back on plans... Europe smacks down more dark-pattern UI... and still don't know what to do about the cookiepocalypse? Yeah, you're not alone. Privacy & Opt-Out:

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