Turning of the Wheel Podcast

Turning of the Wheel Podcast

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This is a weekly podcast about astrology, art, and spiritual adventure with astrologer, Chris Flisher. This show offers a wide array of astrological topics and stretches into art, and spirituality and the connectedness of all of these themes. Interesting topics, educational segments, and progressive discussions about evolving humanity and the planet for the greater good of all.

Have you ever imagined having s board game that would allow you th have a competitive challenge and have fun! Paul Starr has invented just the game. Zodiac War is a fun romp though astrology and tarot. the game will help you learn astrology from an entirely new angle. Join your host Chris Flisher as he discusses this educational and enlightening game with its creator, Paul Starr. Check it out at kickstarter.com/zodiac. Who wins the zodiac War? Th ultimate warrior, Aries, or king of the hill, Leo?

After 8 years of tumultuous up and downs, w are left wondering what's net. In this segment, your host speaks with noted astrologer, Mitchel lewis about the economic outlook going forward.

AS we stare in our review mirrors we are stunned by what has transpired over he last year. Because events are still raw in our memories, we cn only imagine what will happen next. With Jupiter n saturn aligning in the early degrsss os Aquarius we can only conclude ht life will gt better for ll of us. Listen as your host Chris fisher speaks with astrologer, michael lutin about what lies ahead.

Being an astrologer requires a certain amount of blind faith and conviction to pursue his magic art form. Listen as your host and astrologer, Chris Flisher discusses this dilemma with fellow astrologer, Elizabeth Spring. Skepticism is healthy and to doubt allows us delve deeper i n search of the truth.

It doesn't take a genius to see the world spinning out of control. A pandemic, wild fires, unhinged leaders. The list goes on and on. So what do we do about it and how do we make sense of it all? As the autumn unfolds we are marching towards what might be the most important election in a century. Listen as your host, Chris Flisher discusses this topics and more with astrologer Mitch Lewis.

As we evolve we become more aware of the world that surrounds us and all its mysteries. Hardship, disenchantment are all by-products of our growth process. As we face difficulties we must see them as lessons in evolution. It is only when we learn that we truly evolve. Join your host, Chris Flisher as he discusses "Merchants of Light" with Dr. Betty Kovacs.

ARCHIVED SHOW: Are we on this earthly plane for only one journey or do we have a lesson to learn before we can return as a new being? Astrology is based on the concept of reincarnation. And yet this topic has fascinated people throughout the ages. Do we come back? If so in what form? These are serious topics with great depth and my guest in this archived show in A.T. Mann who has written and spoken extensively about this topic.

ARCHIVED SHOW: The ascendant is the sign that is on the horizon when we are born. This is also known as the rising sign. This aspect represents the characteristics of the individual even more than the Sun sign. It is truly the mask we wear. Learn more in this archived show with the late, great astrologer Jeanne Avery.

Mars is in Aries for close to six months this year. Not only is that exceptionally long, but it happens in Aries where it is the ruling planet. What can we expect during this phase? Do our projects get put on hold? Do we stop to reconsider our journey? These and many more are the subject of this discussion between Chris and Debra Clement.

As we look out at the world we see a species besieged by a disease that has brought havoc to every corner of our lives. Nothing is as it once was and we are in despair. Supposing the worst is yet to come? What if we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg? Join your host, Chris Flisher as he speaks with mundane astrologer, Theodore White on the upcoming trends that are ominous at best. How do we prepare?

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