This episode contains just one incredibly powerful story how how my participation within a mastermind group has made my dreams, personally and professionally, become reality.Click here to see the video versionof the message included within this episode. If you are full-time self-employed or plan to become full-time self employed within the next 12 to 18 months, I want to invite you toCLICK HERE TO APPLY FOR THE NEXT LEVEL MASTERMIND TODAY. Here are a few testimonials from current and former members of The Next Level Mastermind: Tom Heffnersaid... Cliff Ravenscraft and the mastermind he created were a major inflection point in my career and life. I went from feeling trapped in a day job to creating my own freedom and autonomy. I left the day job at that time to start my own business to give myself more freedom to do what I want, with whom I want, when I wanted. I've never looked back. Here's the interesting part - as much as Cliff can help you with the tactical/practical (e.g. the in's/out's of online business - he can definitely help with this) ... what really helped me was changing my mindsets and removing the limiting beliefs holding me back from achieving what I wanted. Dan Faulknorsaid... I joined the group with the plan of maybe leaving my day job in the next year or two. Within 6 months of joining (and attending meetings at 3am my time. It was worth it!) I had a plan to leave my day job within a couple of months. I did leave my day job, much sooner than expected and now 4 years later my business is thriving with 3 employees + myself. Cliff's ability to ask you questions and get you to lead YOURSELF is his greatest strength, in my mind. You have nobody to 'blame' but yourself, because you provide all the answers with Cliff's guidance. Kevin Davissaid... I was at a standstill. Didn’t know what the next step was. Actually, I didn’t think I was qualified to make the next step. Didn’t have anyone in my circle at that time to help. So I took a leap and joined Cliffs mastermind. My how things changed! First was overcoming some thoughts that held me back. Then some steps and next action items to get the ball rolling.Now I’ve moved the ball down the field farther and quicker than ever imagined. Leslie Grahamsaid... If you are thinking about this, be sure to reach out to Cliff. Joining NLM was the biggest leap I'd ever made in terms of investing in myself and my business, but my life was radically changed in so many ways as a result of my nearly two years with the group. In fact, my current business was launched as a result and I couldn't be happier with the trajectory of that business. I have other podcasts that might be of interest to you. See my list of shows at Let's Work Together! Would you like to connect with me through one-on-one coaching or through one of my paid mastermind groups? If so, visit myWORK WITH ME PAGEand submit an application today.
In this episode, Stephanie and I share our thoughts on Chapter 13 of Midnight Sun.
In this episode, Stephanie and I cover all of Chapter 12 of Midnight Sun. Check out some of our other shows: Lord of The Rings Fan Podcast Family From The Heart The Hunger Games Fan Podcast The Cliff Ravenscraft Show Check out the archives of other shows
In this episode, Stephanie and I cover all of Chapter 11 of Midnight Sun. Check out some of our other shows: Lord of The Rings Fan Podcast Family From The Heart The Hunger Games Fan Podcast The Cliff Ravenscraft Show Check out the archives of other shows at
If you are enjoying this podcast, please check out the main podcast that Stephanie Host Together called Family From The Heart. Search for it in your favorite podcast directory. If you don't see Family From The Heart in your favorite podcast directory, email and let me know. I'll see what I can do to get it added for you.
In this episode, Stephanie and I give our review of the movie, Breaking Dawn Part 2. We encourage you to check out our podcast devoted to “The Hunger Games.” You can check out that podcast at Stay subscribed to this podcast feed or be sure to get on our mailing list to be […]
In this episode, Stephanie and I give our review of the movie, Breaking Dawn Part 1. We encourage you to check out our podcast devoted to “The Hunger Games.” You can check out that podcast at Stay subscribed to this podcast feed or be sure to get on our mailing list to be […]
In this episode, Stephanie and I give our review of the final chapters of Breaking Dawn. We also shared shared some thoughts about Midnight Sun, the draft of the book that is the retelling of Twilight from Edward's point of view. We also used this episode to announce, for the very first time, that we […]
In this episode, Cliff and Stephanie share their reactions to chapters 36 through 37 of Breaking Dawn. Right-Click Here To Download