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The best variety in News, Sports, Esoteric talk online and over the airwaves on Earth. The new learning channel UPRNtalkradio.com

UFO UNDERCOVER Tonight-alien human evolution hoe did human get on earth oct 28 2015

Into The Night with Shawn Kelly-July 19th, 2022-Q&A Tune in this evening for a special Q&A with Shawn Kelly! Get yourselves in the Chat rooms and get your questions and comments ready. Topics: Paranormal, Cryptids and more. You all decide where this segment will go.

Chasing Prophecy Radio Program July 19, 2022 Packman paranormal discusses Waverly Hills.

Have you ever wondered if the symbols, synchronicities and strange noises in your home were signs from your loved one in Spirit? Perhaps you've experienced one of the signs mentioned in this video: https://youtu.be/8TDsFpv2Bwg However, i's not unusual for people to wonder if the signs that they receive from Spirit are just in their head, or nothing more than coincidences. In this episode of Guiding Echoes, we will speak to Psychic Medium Matthew Stapley about the differences between signs from Spirit and normal, everyday happenings. Matthew Stapley is a naturally gifted, full-sensory psychic-medium, ordained and licensed minister, inspirational speaker and healing facilitator. His professional career began at the age of 17 and since that time he has been featured in dozens of publications, podcasts, televisions shows; has created two oracle card decks and has assisted thousands of people worldwide in working through grief, self acceptance and fear. He is also the creator of a weekly live stream show attracting hundreds of viewers from across the globe through his Facebook page: Matthew Stapley, Psychic-Medium. Aside from his incredible talent of providing evidence of life after death through Mediumship, Matthew has also garnered the attention of people world-wide with his unique ability of looking at life’s very real and very difficult problems with a lens that sees the intricate architecture and underlying benefit of the challenges that we all face in our day to day lives. Matthew Stapley is a naturally gifted, full-sensory psychic-medium, ordained and licensed minister, inspirational speaker and healing facilitator. His professional career began at the age of 17 and since that time he has been featured in dozens of publications, podcasts, televisions shows; has created two oracle card decks and has assisted thousands of people worldwide in working through grief, self acceptance and fear. He is also the creator of a weekly live stream show attracting hundreds of viewers from across the globe through his Facebook page: Matthew Stapley, Psychic-Medium. Aside from his incredible talent of providing evidence of life after death through Mediumship, Matthew has also garnered the attention of people world-wide with his unique ability of looking at life’s very real and very difficult problems with a lens that sees the intricate architecture and underlying benefit of the challenges that we all face in our day to day lives. You can follow Matthew on Facebook, Instagram and other social media sites through the handle @CanadianPsychic

The Missing Peace W Trish Mo Tonight's Guest Mad man Joe Montaldo Alien Abduction Expert

Horsefly Chronicles Radio Welcomes Back N.E.S.P.R Senior Lead Investigator Dan Rivera as we talk about his life's work carrying on The Warren's Legacy.

Mon.July 18th/22 Tonight on The Angel Rock, I have amazing author/historian & Guest Tom Reilly on to discuss his new book, the actual truths about Oliver Cromwell, paranormal activity related around the Cromwell story & much more!

Larry Elmore become an Illustrators of the Future judge in 2012 and is routinely a highlight anytime he attends the annual workshop. Larry discusses how the original D&D art came to be and, following this, Dragonlance art. Larry talks about how he can just look at something, duplicate the shape, and draw it from memory.

SOR July 15 22 The Ariel Phenomenon With Randall Nickerson

SOR July 14 22 The Et Experience Part Two With Dolly Safran

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