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VERIFIED is Ryerson Students’ Union's first official podcast that centres conversations around equity, inclusion, community and student life, illustrated through an academic lens. Our host and RSU President, Vanessa Henry, invites various Toronto artists and Ryerson community members to explore topics broadening from mental health awareness to social justice. The objective of the podcast is to explore and understand what it truly means to verify yourself. VERIFIED is a fully accessible podcast- providing content through both auditory and video recordings, as well as subtitles for all visually and auditory impaired viewers. Stay tuned and subscribe for weekly recordings

Josef is the Director and Founder of SSUNDAY.CO which caters to the development of creative campaigns and social media management for various brands. Listen in to a discussion of the importance of open and healthy mental health dialogue and the intersection of marginalized communities.

Hana, commonly known as FrizzKid, is a Toronto based writer and illustrator who is widely appreciated for creating various affirmations centred around mental health, positivity, and equity. FrizzKid is very passionate about storytelling and body politics especially through the lens of her artwork. Listen along as we discuss the importance of creating safe spaces, surviving trauma, and fostering greater cultural inclusivity and representation for all marginalized communities.

In this episode, we were lucky to have the opportunity to sit down with two guests, Bella and Leche. Bella is a Fashion Communications student here at Ryerson who also writes fashion editorials for Style Circle Magazine. While Leche is a Professional Communications student who is also the Founder and Creative Director of a pearl-based jewellery company designed to empower women, centred here in Toronto. Listen along as we explore various topics speaking to the importance of diversity, self-love and acceptance, body positivity and sustainable fashion coupled with the idea of redefining the true meaning both inner and outer beauty.

Craig Pike is the business owner of Toronto’s favourite ‘Craig’s Cookies’ which uniquely combines a family secret chocolate chip recipe with various crazy popular treats. Craig is also an actor and Founding Conductor of ‘That Choir’ here in Downtown Toronto. Follow our conversation as we explore both the successes and challenges of being a local entrepreneur, the importance of being true to yourself and building community.

This week we had the opportunity to sit down with Mike Regis, an African-Caribbean Canadian film director, producer and writer based here in Toronto. Mike is also a Ryerson alumni who is very passionate about bringing the voices of marginalized individuals to life. Follow along as we were able to speak more on topics centring around creating opportunities, the importance of representation, and defining personal success.

Keosha Love is a multi-disciplinary artist, activist and educator whom intersects arts and wellness to empower women and promote positive health in BIPOC communities. Keosha’s passion for writing and storytelling has also led her to directing, where she creatively explores the identities and diverse narratives of peoples through film. Keosha is the founder of Our Women’s Voices which is a platform to empower and amplify women’s voices through community, arts and education. Listen into our discussion as we explore the intersection between art and wellness, the importance of fostering community, family healing and storytelling.

Saidat is a children’s entertainer, speaker, author and singer who travels across Canada visiting schools empowering and educating the youth. Saidat’s programs have reached over 500,000 students across the nation, as she leads a very strong message, from the heart, that one person can make a difference and together we can change the world! Listen to our conversation as we centre on in inclusivity, importance of listening, self-appreciation and becoming a changemaker.

Alyssa is the CEO and Founder of Easy Period, a service that delivers 100% organic cotton feminine hygiene products right to your doorsteps while donating a portion of profits to delivering sanitary pads to Kenyan girls. Alyssa supports the movement to end the menstrual shame and promote access to safe products for all girls and women. Follow along as we explore the notion of “un-shaming” feminine menstrual health, women empowerment and helping others fulfill their dreams.

This week we were able to sit down with three young local artists, Brianna Clarke, Kahvontay Slaughter and Vania Raquel. We came together to discuss the pathway of taking a hobby and recognizing it as a passion to then translate into a sophisticated career, especially here within the city. We spoke to the current financial and artistic challenges many young emerging artists are facing due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Join our conversation as we discuss the importance of staying connected, recognizing the power and value of our artistic freedom, inspiring one another, and making light of our current situation.

This week we were able to sit down with twin sisters Maia Jae and Keana Lyn, 21. They are emerging film and television actors from Toronto. They have both been acting since they were six years old. Maia Jae has recently completed a role in Ransom, a Canadian crime series. While Keana Lyn is expected to star in The Hardy Boys, premiering later this year. Join our conversation as we discuss the importance of ethnic diversity within the business of producing and the many layers necessary when creating a Canadian television series. They share advice on their experiences with casting calls and to never stop looking for acting opportunities when faced with hurdles along the way.

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