Voluminous: The Letters of H.P. Lovecraft

Voluminous: The Letters of H.P. Lovecraft

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In addition to his famous classics of horror and science fiction, H.P. Lovecraft wrote tens of thousands of fascinating letters. In each episode Sean Branney and Andrew Leman of the H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society read one of those letters and then discuss it.

In which HPL writes his Aunt Lillian a diary letter describing a month of his life while living with Sonia in New York. He recounts two outings to Elizabeth, New Jersey and numerous excursions with his New York pals. Bleep Warning: this episode contains three instances of the word we bleep. https://www.hplhs.org/voluminous74.php

In which publisher E. Haldeman-Julius writes ABOUT a letter from H.P. Lovecraft in which HPL provided lists of his favorite and least favorite people in history. Hear HPL celebrate Epicurus and Remy de Gourmont while he bags on T.S. Eliot and Jesus.

In which HPL writes to J. Vernon Shea about his wonderful new flat at 66 College Street. He also talks about Nazis and movies which leads Sean and Andrew to discuss the Hays Code in motion pictures, Elvis and much more.

In which HPL vigorously engages with fellow author Robert E. Howard regarding barbarism, civilization, the Wild West and European nations invading neighboring countries.

In which HPL writes to his "grandson" Frank Belknap Long of his explorations of never-before-seen neighborhoods of old colonial Providence, including Federal Hill with its many Italian immigrants. We are proud to bring you the complete version of this letter which has previously only been published as a very brief excerpt! Be sure to visit the web page for this episode to see new info we did not have at recording time.

HPL's correspondence with his amateur press buddy Edward H. Cole is revealed through six letters. Spanning decades, the letters explore art criticism, colonial architecture, condolences, and even a letter to a six month old baby!

In which HPL writes his friend Samuel Loveman of goings on in the amateur press world and then recounts his visits to witch-haunted Salem and Newburyport - the inspiration for Innsmouth!

In which HPL discusses James F. Morton's plan to write detective stories about mineralogists and in which a "dickybird" stamp goes missing from an envelope. Detective hijinks abound in this lighthearted letter.

In which Lovecraft writes to Bernard Austin Dwyer and recalls his difficult days living in Red Hook, New York two years before. Life in a rough and diverse neighborhood taxed him sorely. Fittingly, we cover Morton's "The Curse of Race Prejudice" too.

In which HPL prepares for a trip to DeLand, Florida to visit his young correspondent Robert H. Barlow. HPL offers travel tips, thoughts on mental health, and a robust breakdown of the latest issue of Weird Tales in preparation for his trip to visit his young friend.

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