What The Fat (WTF)

What The Fat (WTF)

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What the Fat (WTF) is hosted by cutting-edge researcher and author of The Ketogenic Bible, Dr. Ryan Lowery. Tune in to hear to discover tools for living the low carb lifestyle and hear from top experts in the field of ketogenic diets, biohacking, and optimal human performance

In this episode of What the Fat, Dr. Ryan Lowery breaks down the pro's and con's and his thoughts of Krispy Kreme campaign to provide free donuts to all customers who receive the Covid-19 vaccine.

Dr. Ryan Lowery goes LIVE to answer all the burning keto questions.

In this episode of What the Fat, Dr. Philip Ovadia breaks down a new study on the ketogenic diet causing Heart Scarring.

In this episode, Ryan sits down and dives deep into Suzanne and Jessicas journey and what lead them to starting Defy Foods.

In this live episode, we dive deep into coaching vs. mentoring, the differences and how it can help change lives.

Episode #130 On this episode of What the Fat, we are live on clubhouse with Dr. Jacob Wilson to talk all things keto and muscle, followed by a Q&A session where we pull audience members to answer their burning questions.

Episode #129 Summary What if it were possible to train your brain like you train your muscles at the gym? There are numerous biohacking tips and tricks to improve brain health that are simply overlooked. On this episode of What The Fat, I sit down and discuss neurological health with Dr. Andrew Hill. Dr. Hill is a neuroscientist, entrepreneur, and biohacking advocate. He holds a PhD. in Cognitive Neuroscience from UCLA, and is best known for his mission to bring the brain-hacking technology of neurofeedback into mainstream practice. To achieve this, Dr. Hill founded Peak Brain Institute in 2015, a community-oriented company that teaches brain-training from a fitness perspective, and uses EEG Neurofeedback and QEEG Brain Mapping designed to help all people achieve their brain performance goals. Links and Resources Peak Brain Institute Instagram Facebook Time Stamps 1:18 Andrew Hill’s Background 9:25 Neurofeedback & exercising the brain 11:37 What is brain mapping 14:24 How does brai...

Episode #128 Summary In this episode of What The Fat, I sit down with Christina Curp, better known as Castaway Kitchen. At 29 years old and 2 years postpartum, Cristina hit rock bottom with her health. On top of an inflammatory skin condition she had lived with for years, Hidradenitis Suppurativa, she began to experience many mystery symptoms and inflammation, Cristina took to the kitchen to find wellness. Using her culinary prowess and love of research, she began to discover the connection between her symptoms and the food she ate. This ongoing experiment birthed her blog, which is a collection of inventive, allergen-friendly, low carb, whole-food recipes that have helped her reverse autoimmune disease, lose weight, and take control of her own health and well-being. The recipes were a hit on the internet and social media and The Castaway Kitchen was born! This opened doors to writing books and prompted her enrollment in the NTA program. It's been a lot of hard work, but for Christi...

Episode #127 Time Stamps 1:25 Growing Up Fast & Wanting To Be Faster 3:58 Jame’s Experience Going To College 5:16 Journey To The Olympics 7:23 Being The Underdog 9:05 Experience (Or Lack Thereof) With Sponsorships 12:03 The Accident That Changed Everything 19:05 Rehab & Getting Back To Training 20:09 Squatting Accident 22:17 Dedication To Remaining A Natural Athlete 23:45 Building Up To The First Race Back 26:00 Making It Back To The Olympics 28:00 Intermission 30:10 James’ Experience With Keto 34:14 Experience With DMT 40:49 How Much Of His Pain Is Mental 43:30 Sprint Fit & Future Plans 47:00 Why Speed Is Everything 47:51 Coaching Other Teams 49:24 Where To Find James’ Business Info 49:53 James’ Best/Favorite Competition Ever 50:51 Who Pushes Him- James’ Favorite Competitor 51:47 The Best Athlete James haS Seen 53:02 James’ Favorite Meal 53:19 Where To Find Him On Social Media 53:50 What Legacy Does James Want To Leave Behind Summary James Ellington is the embodiment of the u...

Episode #126 Time Stamps 1:32 Gerard’s Rough Start 4:19 Drug Addition & The Moment That Changed His Life 6:15 Partying, Re-hab, And Getting Help 8:50 Discovering Plant Medicine 10:15 First Psychedelic Vision 12:18 Unlocking Repressed Memories 13:55 Rythmia Coming To Fruition 16:15 Responding To Critics 18:58 The Miracle Ticker 19:52 Injuries From Plant Medicine 21:20 Ryan’s Experience Passing Out 22:05 Age Restrictions On Ayahuasca 24:43 The Four Types of Spiritual Journies 25:25 Acknowledging What The World Has Done To You 26:31 The Biggest Miracles Gerard Has Seen 29:05 What Does The Future Of Rythmia Look Like? 30:45 Where To Find More Info About Rythmia 31:02 What Legacy Does Gerard Want To Be Remembered By? Episode Summary Move over Dos Equis guy, I’ve found a new most interesting man in the world. Gerard Powell, the founder of the Rythmia Life Advancement Center in Costa Rica, had to overcome years of delinquency, drug addiction, and depression in order to find his true pur...

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