THE TECH STATE IS HERE TO SMASH US. Remember, if you watch a thing that's bad, that means you're a bad person just for exposing yourself to it. Follow the leader! Myrtle Beach, SC rubmaps. GET IN.
WE GOT DEPLATFORMED well no, we didn't, i mean not yet but it's coming soon, you can tell. We talk about all this stuff that goes on in the world and makes no sense to us because we're idiots. Have a great time!
CAN YOU NOT MAINTAIN AN ERECTION IN BED? This is a strictly HIGH-T episode reserved for the chadest of alphas. We talk mostly local politics this episode because we are now disgusting elitist Angelinos. But we also do phone messages at the end so stick around for that. GET IN.
SPIN THE CANCEL WHEEL it's time to play! Who is it this week?? Is it the person who took the cancelers spot? Or is it the person who took the spot of the person who took the spot of the person who got canceled? IT'S A CANCEL HUMAN CENTIPEDE. Also Antifa Lover Episode IV!
It's time to spin the wheel!!! Who's canceled this week? Eric n Pat dive in to a slow as hell news week and talk all the BS. You know what the deal is. The return of rubmaps!!!!! Get in here.
WHOAAAAAAA COVID is over?? Maybe. We get our Biden bux?? Maybe. Everything is very good and everyone is happy and chill and not mad or sad at all? Perfect!! We listen to some messages and read from Antifa Lover. Get in here.
It's your favorite two idiot morons talking on idiot moron stuff. We talk politics, trump, Biden, Immortan Joe, vaccines, cancels, all the stuff you come to expect from this podcast. Evansville and Gary, Indiana rubmaps, phone messages, and the return of Antfia Lover. A JOY.
WELCOME TO WPT THE PODCAST ABOUT UNCOMFORTABLE CONVERSATIONS THAT NO ONE ELSE ON EARTH LIKES HAVING. We talk about things this week that suck. When will Biden give us money?? When will Texas thaw?? Will you shut off the show?? PITTSBURGH RUBMAPS. Dive in.
WE ARE NOW A CALL IN SHOW!!!! But not really, it's basically the same format. We do our local segment, we do a national segment, we take your calls, we rub some maps. You know what the deal is. Get in here.