With sadness and great amounts of love, Anna and Marta are saying goodbye to You've Got 5 Options. It's been a truly amazing journey. Challenging.Inspiring. Creative. Fun. The time has come to take a break. Or break up. That we do not know for sure just yet. Thank you for being with us through 3,5 years of a hell of a podcasting journey. If you want to stay connected to us, find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/smallbusinessrising https://www.facebook.com/youvego5options If you believe we should continue in the future, let us know which topics you'd like to hear about, here.
In this episode, Marta and Signe, interview a beautiful woman, Eesha Samad, who has managed to free herself from an abusive relationship. Eesha entered an arranged, promising marriage when she was just about 17 years old. The relationship quickly turned out to be a real nightmare. After years of depression and a suicide attempt, Eesha has found her strength to free herself from the toxic marriage and start her life from scratch in Denmark. Our Conversation Eesha takes us through the story and the innocent beginning of the relationship. She tells us about the first signs of the abuse and how quickly things start spiralling down. She tells us about her depression and suicide attempt which serves her as a turning point. She then needs to keep on surviving the abuse for 2 years more before she finds the solution to finally escape the marriage. She tells us how she starts her new life in Denmark. We find out what helps her heal from the trauma. In the end, she sends a message to all women who find themselves in an abusive relationship. ———— Eesha’s Story in her own words My name is Eesha. I turned 30 this year. I moved to Denmark 4.5 years ago with the intention to start a new life. Recently I moved to Aarhus for my work. I work as a Regional Manager for UNICEF Denmark. Back in 2016, I took a plane in search of happiness to the happiest country in the world! DENMARK. The day I took a plane to Copenhagen, Denmark where I did not know what the universe will bring to me, I was about to start a new life in a new country where I do not know anyone so the fear of crying alone for the rest of my life was on one side as I won’t have my family, friends or anyone that I know there so I decided to take out all the emotions and grief I had of leaving everything behind. For the first two hours in the flight I cried and cried and cried like a baby, without caring about the crowd and people surrounding me, I was telling myself ‘You can cry as much as you want right now because the moment you leave this plane, no crying, no sadness, you are going to be headstrong and ready to work your ass off for your dreams as this is the only chance you get to make things happen and to create a life for yourself.’ After seven hours there is an announcement that the plane is landing at Copenhagen international airport in 10 minutes. I quickly grab my bag and go to the toilet to fix my face, put on some makeup and get ready to explore a brand new journey of my dreams. Everything was seeming so unpredictable yet so exciting, an end that was unknown but I have always loved and enjoyed the unknown rather than worrying. I still remember that feeling so fresh in my mind when my plane landed at the Copenhagen international airport I felt like a newborn baby it was as if I was given a new life, I was super ready for a brand new life; a life that I will be living on my own terms further away from all restrictions, social and cultural pressure and a life that I’d live only for myself and for all the things that would bring me joy & happiness. On one side it was this massive pressure of starting a completely new life, on the other hand, it’s the grieve of leaving my family, friends and homeland and literally EVERYTHING that had been a huge part of my identity and existence. How to get in contact with Eesha: Eesha’s email: eesha1970@gmail.com
In this episode, Signe interviews Marta about a topic she’s passionate about; Evolutionary Organizations. Marta brings about the work of Frederic Laloux and his break-through book “Reinventing Organizations” and they discuss how this new paradigm works. Can you really run a business without managers, where people bring their whole selves into the picture and there are no budgets and strategies, but evolutionary purpose? Our Conversation What is wrong with the way we run organizations today? How do the red, amber, orange and green organizations operate? What’s special about evolutionary (teal) organizations? Do they already exist? How does self-management look like in practice? What is wholeness all about? How does evolutionary purpose work? And if you’re not working in a teal organization how can you move forward in your consciousness?- “Braving the Wilderness” Brené Brown ———— Books mentioned in the show: “Reinventing Organizations”- Frederic Laloux “Braving the Wilderness” Brené Brown “Drive” Daniel H. Pink “Start with Why”, “Find your WHY”- Simon Sinek
In this episode, Marta interviews a good friend of the show, Rasmus Jensen, who brings along yet another fascinating topic to explore: do we actually come from another dimension? Rasmus tells us about 9 dimensions and what each dimension represents, as well as he explains which dimension plant Earth is now on and moving forward to. We also talk about stars and galaxies and reflect on how to find out if you’re from one of them. Last but not least, Rasmus takes Marta on a small journey to another dimension :). Our Conversation What are the 9 dimensions and what each of the dimensions represents? Which dimension are we on now? Are we moving to a higher dimension as we speak? Do we always have access to all 9 dimensions? Do some of us come from another galaxy? How to know if you do? What are some of the techniques to travel to another dimension/ galaxy? About Rasmus Rasmus has already been present on the show: Ep 168: Unconventional Professions: What can a Soul Guide do for you? Ep170: Soul-guiding session live on air How to find Rasmus? Rasmus' website Rasmus' FB page
In this episode, Marta interviews Aisté and Jonas, a couple who seem to have found the one and only love at a very young age. They are already married and on a quest for making their dreams come true, the common ones and the individual ones. They truly support each other and have fun together. They are here at the studio to uncover what makes their relationship extraordinary. Our Conversation Our guests tell their love story and how they ended up knowing that they’ll want to spend their lives together. In secret from each other, Jonas and Aisté prepare a statement about what they believe makes their relationship extraordinary - and they reveal it live on air. The share their aspirations and future plans. And Jonas shares his music with us… Your Shadow Bound To Break Find Aiste Facebook Instagram Email: am@idiful.com Find Jonas Facebook Instagram YouTube Email: jonaspr96@gmail.com
In this episode, Marta interviews Jørn and Signe, both known from previous episodes, to find out how they have managed to move forward after physical addiction is gone. We talk about mental and emotional addiction and what does it mean to become sober in that sense. We touch upon the spectrum of addiction and explore the question; can one become fully addiction-free? Our Conversation Nuances of addiction What happens after the physical addiction is gone? What are the next steps in getting back to life? What does it mean to be mentally/ emotionally addicted? What does it take to be mentally/ emotionally sober? Spectrum and Exchange of one addiction to another What is the spectrum of addiction? Why do we exchange one addiction to another? Is it possible to get out of this cycle? How? Can it sometimes serve us to maintain some of our addictions? About Jørn Find out more in the previous episode How to get in contact with Jørn? Jørn's email: jrnjessen@gmail.com About Signe Ep 54 SPECIAL: Listen to your heart with Signe Bjerre Ep 139: Money, Money, Money, a Poem and a friend of the show Signe Bjerre Ep 176: Suicide. How to get in contact with Signe Signe’s Instagram Signe’s email
In this episode, Marta is interviewing one of the best friends of the show- Signe, on one of the most difficult topics- suicide. Signe opens her heart and vulnerably shares the story of her own suicide attempt and how she survived after her mum ended her life. Image by Heather Plew from Pixabay Our Conversation: In our touching conversation, Signe fully opens her heart and vulnerably shares: How she attempted suicide. What brought her to the place where she saw no other option. How she survived and begun the process of healing. How her mother ended her own life. How she survived that traumatic event. Her ongoing journey of healing. How to talk about suicide. How to support someone who has suicidal thoughts. I am in awe of Signe’s strength and vulnerability and I am truly grateful for her willingness to talk about the topic that many people find too difficult to handle. Yet, it is so important to be able to talk about it. It could save lives. How to find Signe: Signe’s Instagram Signe’s email
In this episode, Marta and Anna investigate how to make Christmas special in 2020. 9 friends of the show have sent voice greetings with their Christmas wishes and sharing on how they plan to turn Christmas into a beautiful experience (or fun one!). We had great comments from the audience and two musical surprises, one from Dave and one from Signe. What a treat! Image by ksyfffka07 from Pixabay Recordings from the friends of the show Lasse Lønsgaard Randrup Our first technician, present with us quite a bit in Season 1 and 2 (after his recording we can't stop wondering Who the F*CK is Steve!?) Fatema Barot Ep 169: Moving forward through grief 75 LIVE SHOW SPECIAL: The Universe falls in Love with a Courageous heart - with Fatema Barot and YvG5O Ep 73: 5 key ingredients to make a captivating presentation (PART 1) - with Fatema Barot and Anna Niescieruk from YvG5O Ep 74: 5 key ingredients to make a captivating presentation (PART 2) - with Fatema Barot and YvG5O Katarina Pedersen Ep 172: (Fast) Manifesting and Joyful Meditation with Katarina Pedersen Judy Wanjiku Ep 129: The Kimberleys, Urban Legends and can men suffer from postpartum depression (with Judy Wanijku Jørgensen)? Ep 108: The Art of Letting Go with Judy Wanjiku Jørgensen and YVGO Morten Bonde Ep 167: Sentenced to blindness. Now what? Ep 107: How to find the essence of who you really are with Morten Bonde and YVG5O Rasmus Jensen Ep 168: Unconventional professions: what can a Soul Guide do for you? with Rasmus Jensen Ep 170: Soul-guiding Session Live on Air with Rasmus Jensen Klaudia
In this episode, Marta and Anna, together with their guest Jørn Jessen, explore a very important question: Can you cure addiction? Jørn shares openly and vulnerably his own experience of going into, through and out of addiction. Jørn explains what are the elements of addiction and how they impact you and your life and tells us what helped him most on his way towards freedom.Our ConversationWe deep-dived into: • How does addiction begin? • What may be the signs of addiction? • What are the elements of alcoholism and how being addicted differs from being a user? • What are the ways to get support on the way out of addiction? • Can you fully cure the addiction? • How can you know if you're completely free from it?About JørnJørn is quite an uncommon person, he is not on social media, he doesn't have his website and he was not much into describing his BIO. He was though happy to let Marta share how she sees him, so here you go...Jørn according to Marta:I will be honest with y...
In this episode, Marta and Anna are solving a challenge sent by Anne, a single mum of a 3-year old kid, who is getting ready to start dating again. She’s wondering, how to make it all happen since she's almost always alone with her son? Anna shares her previous single parent dating experience and some great tips. Challenge description: I´ve been alone with my now almost 4-year-old son since his birth, no contact to his father. I am ready to start dating life again... but how should that work? First, finding time to get to know someone and then the actual dating, the first months of relationship until being ready to bring a new person in my son’s life, when actually not having much alone time without my son. 5 aspects of dating for single mums: 1. Getting ready What do I want from a relationship: https://www.the5options.com/blog-articles/2018/4/3/one-exercise-that-can-totally-change-your-love-life Things I Have To Offer How Do I Want To FEEL With My Partner What do you want your p...