Mandarin Slang Guide
33min2021 MAY 18
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To learn more about Mind China, search for the "心生 Mind" WeChat Public Account! Listen to The Waves 海浪FM: Follow Ivy on Douban: 1. 神经病 (shénjīngbìng) Literally means “a neurological disorder,” but is often used as a serious or playful insult a la “crazy.” Very common but also somewhat insensitive. Why not replace it with something else, like, for example: 2. 勺子 (sháozi) Literally “spoon,” it’s an insult from NE China that could be offensive to spoons, but fortunately I don’t think the spoons mind too much. 3. 社恐、自闭 (shè kǒng、zì bì) Literally “social anxiety” and “autism,” these are both commonly used to describe yourself when you feel like staying in and not being social. Both are clearly problematic, so why not swap them for: 4. 我想静静 (wǒ xiǎng jìng jìng) A cutesy way to say “I just want some peace and quiet.” Also a pun...

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