27s2020 OCT 6
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If you're not using or really don't want to use some studs on your wall, but you're keen to save any room by installing your TV on the wall, you could be wondering whether it's feasible. Will a Screen be installed without studs?Using anchors, toggle anchors, mounting frames, ceiling mountings, and other mounting options, you can mount a TV without studs. You have to keep the size and weight of your TV in mind, of course, and pick the best choice.It can be hard mounting tv and using no studs. So, read on and find out more if you want to know which of the choices listed is the right one for you, as well as how your home and TV can impact your choice.Utilizing anchors is one of the easiest ways to mount things on the wall without using studs. Anchors come in many shapes and sizes and do various functions, but the idea is that they hold the screws that firmly connect the mount to the wall whilst not destroying the wall or using studs whatsoever.Toggle anchors are a decent choice for ins...

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