11min2018 DEC 28
Play Episode


1. My biggest nightmare is that my checked baggage could somehow disappear. 我最大的噩梦莫过于托运的行李有可能丢失。

地道词汇:nightmare-n. [ˈnaɪtmeə(r)]噩梦


句型结构:My biggest nightmare is that+单句

My biggest nightmare is that someday, I might lose my job.


My biggest nightmare is that I don’t get to do what I am passionate about in the future.


2. It is crucial that you put your name and contact number on the tag thats attached to your luggage.把你的名字和电话号码写在行李的标签上是至关重要的。


tag [tæg]-n.标签/ attach [əˈtætʃ]-v.贴,系


句子结构:It is crucial that+单句 强调重要性

It is crucial that parents make sure their children get proper education.




It is crucial that everybody lives a balanced life.

3. Weve all been there. Standing anxiously after a long flight at the baggage carousel for your baggage to show. 我们都有类似的经历。站在行李传输带边上焦急的等待自己的行李。

地道词汇:carousel [ˌkærəˈsel]-n.行李转盘

句子结构:We’ve all been there. +动名词短语/单句 表示感同身受

Raising kids can be so challenging!养孩子真是个挑战。

We’ve all been there. It’s a lot of responsibility.同感同感。责任重大啊。

4. If you cant find your lost baggage in 90 days, its gone for good. 丢失行李后90天还没有找到,那你的行李就永久丢失了。

地道词汇:for good永远/一劳永逸

I am going to solve this problem for good.我要一劳永逸的解决这个问题。

He decided to give up smoking for good. 他决定以后再也不抽烟了。



I am moving to Europe for good. / I decided to move to Europe for good.

5. Chances are that your luggage is probably lost somewhere in Los Angeles.很有可能,您的行李丢在洛杉矶某个地方。

句子结构:Chances are that+单句 大概率,很有可能

If you haven’t received any email, chances are that you probably didn’t get the job.如果你没有收到任何邮件,很可能你没有拿下这个工作机会。

If you haven’t felt any pain ever since, chances are that you are fully recovered. 如果你再没有感觉到疼,那很可能你痊愈了。

If you keep working on your spoken English, chances are that you are going to be able to speak English more fluently. 如果你坚持练习英语口语,很有希望流利度更好。

6. Here is a tip for not losing your baggage: try to put your ID both inside and outside of your baggage. 防止行李丢失的一个窍门是:在行李的外面和里面都写上你的证件号/联系方式。

句子结构:Here is a tip for+动名词

Here is tip for cracking walnuts.给你说一个砸核桃的窍门。

walnuts -n. ['wɔ:lnʌts]--核桃

Here is a tip for getting rid of stains on your clothes: use diesel.给你一个清洗衣服油渍的秘诀:用柴油。

diesel -n. [ˈdi:zl] 柴油

7. Everyone knows somebody with a horror story of a delayed or, worse, lost baggage. 我们都认识这样一个人。行李不是延误,就是更甚,丢了。

句子结构:Everyone knows somebody with..../Who...

Everyone knows somebody with a heartbroken love story.我们都认识一个有过一段肝肠欲断的爱情经历的人。

Everyone knows somebody who has a funny name.我们都认识一个名字奇怪的人。

8. There is a weight limit on how heavy baggage can be. 托运行李一般有重量限制。

特色发音:weight limit中t可以省略

句子结构:There is a ...limit.

There is a time limit. 有时间限制

There is a speed limit.有速度限制。

9. There is no way that I am packing my jewelry in my checked-in baggage.我绝对不会把首饰放在托运行李里。

句子结构:There is no way that+单句 表示不可能或者是全面否定


There is no way that I am going to bed before 10:30.


There is no way that I am going to eat dog meat.



There is no way that I am going to change my mind.

10. The silver lining is that your airline probably will reimburse you for what you have lost.好在航空公司一般会对丢失行李的客户进行赔偿。

特色词汇:reimburse --v. [ˌri:ɪmˈbɜ:s]补偿

句子结构:The silver lining is +单句 好在

The silver lining is that you still have a job when most of your coworkers lost theirs.


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