Entrepreneurs Living Wealthy | Motivation & Strategies for Small Business Owners!
50min2015 OCT 16
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Jill Richmond has a rich history offood industry related start-ups. She is currently the Co-founder and COO of Kraver (a food discovery app that will blow your mindwhile itindulgesyour everycraving) and previous CEO of Cheftabl. Prior to these projects, she developedsuccessful pop-up restaurants with numerous notable chefs. Put plainly,Jillknows how to build a business around a good meal, and we're thrilled that she's moving her talents to mobile technology. In this episode, we talk with Jill about the incredible app, Kraver, and the principles behind her team building strategies. We also talk about leveraging small successes quickly to create more growth, as well as the inevitable moments when life gets in the way of entrepreneurship and tough decisions must be made. This episode is perfect for anyone facing a crossroads in their enterprise and wondering whether to take on a limited-time project, double down on a massive undertaking, or step away altogether. It's an absolute must-l...

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