Become a Better Manager
5min2020 AUG 28
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Behavioral economists see humanity as a giant irrational mass. Yet that doesn’t mean they’re innate pessimists. Rather, they see a giant blank canvas on which masterpieces can be built. In this lesson, Duke University professor (and bona fide cool guy psychologist) Dan Ariely teaches an important lesson about perspective: The key to being and doing better is understanding our nature so that we can embrace the aspects that lead to desirable outcomes and counter the tendencies that lead to undesirable outcomes.In the case of decision-making, that means getting to the bottom of what drives our decisions. By the end of this lesson, you’ll be aware of two irrational tendencies that you’ll need to address to make better decisions in your personal and professional life.Acknowledge irrational tendenciesYou are more passive in your decision-making than you may think. The way a choice is presented drives what you choose.Humans are storytellers. We create stories after the fact that frame ...