Go With The Heat
28min2021 JUL 26
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We are taking a break from our standard episode to bring you a John Explains interview! We always, ALWAYS love these. There are two main reasons: 1. It gives us a chance to veer off our "season" format and discuss a movie that is just outside of our wheelhouse. 2. John brings the deep knowledge. Melissa and Dom step aside and let John get geeky with sci-fi. This John Explains does not disappoint! In this episode we learn about this movie and find out that it is also linked to Blade Runner and the greatest sci-fi movie ever made... Event Horizon. We will be back in 2 weeks with another full episode. Read the full transcript, plus all the show notes you can handle, over on our website. http://gowiththeheat.com We now have full transcripts and captions, plus our show notes include links to all the actors, music, and references we make during the podcast. Hosts Dominic Twitter: @domcorriveau YouTube: Dominic Corriveau Personal Podcast: DC Talks Blog: ObscuredNarration.com John Twitter: ...

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