The Power of Onlyness
5min2020 AUG 26
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While you won’t find the word onlyness in any dictionary, it encapsulates Nilofer Merchant’s key insight into how anyone can add value in any industry. By default, every one of us is unique. And what’s unique about you—the way your mind works, the things you see that others miss—that onlyness is value nobody else in the world can compete with. So self-marketing and career success are a matter of identifying, honing, and learning to communicate your onlyness.Onlyness: The spot in the world that only you stand in, a function of your distinct history and experiences, visions and hopes; your signature ingredientIn business, your “silhouette”, or the proverbial box you fit into, is what others tend to see first. To add more value to the world, you’ll have to operate from a place of “onlyness”.Be the divergent thinkerInnovation tends to emerge from the edges, not the core. Don’t be afraid to voice–or discover and share–novel ideas. Your input is critical to driving growth.