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9min2019 JUL 14
Play Episode


W: John, don't you think you should take a break? Even one or two days would be fine. M: No way. There's too much work to do. W: But you look exhausted. You need a break! M: I know. They really should hire more people. W: They won't hire more people? M: No. They always want to keep the cost down. I am overwhelmed with a heavy workload. W: Maybe you should talk to the manager. M: Yeah. I guess I'm going to bring this up in tomorrow's meeting. 1. John, don't you think you should take a break? Even one or two days would be fine. 约翰,你不认为你应该休息一下吗?即使一两天也没关系。 Don't you think是一个反问句,就是你难道不认为吗? You should take a break?你应该休息一下吗? Break 休息 take a break 休息一下 Even one or two days would be fine. 一两天也好 Even 即使 One or two days 一两天 would be fine 可以 fine 不错还行,还好 ...

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