The Life Body Business Impact with Fatima
1h 41min2019 DEC 5
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Con Prokos is authentic, honest and passionate about helping people transform their whole lives, not just their physical bodies. A Certified Neuro-Limbic Conditioning and Mindset Coach & Entrepreneur he openly shares his most valued role and biggest driver is being a Dad of 4. Con shares his struggles in life & business, his highs, his lows and how he overcame drug addiction to go on and carve out not just a career in health and fitness but create a “life by design”. He epitomizes the philosophy of this podcast - “to change one life is to change many” starting with your own! In this episode: After 2 weeks in business, the plan went out he door Con had “head in hands”, how he navigated this time The importance of pivoting, being flexible and adaptable & your support network in life and business Losing the love of his life and how he got it back (it’s not what you think), it started with a goal, a definite decision Failing more times than succeeding, being driven but doing what...

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