The Power of Onlyness
7min2020 AUG 26
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There’s a huge, gaping disconnect between the way we’ve historically managed companies and the ways we need to do business today. “Taylorism”, a “scientific management” philosophy that’s been with us since the 19th century, divides workers and tasks into tiny, manageable units, focusing on increasing productivity through and “assembly line” approach. Under Taylorism, workers need to “stay in their lane”, focused on their own, repetitive task rather than the big picture. Out of habit, Taylorist management remains surprisingly persistent today—but it produces the opposite of what today’s markets demand: conformity rather than creativity. Isolation rather than collaboration. Small rather than big picture thinking. To reinvent management, we need to refocus our priorities on these desired outcomes.Acknowledge the failures of “Taylorism”The old management model supported individual productivity by: 1. breaking down big tasks into small, 2. optimizing for individual perform...