New Books in Law
57min2022 APR 28
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It’s no secret that the United States has the most expansive prison system of any nation in the world. And the US carceral system overwhelmingly and unjustly impacts Black and Brown individuals and communities. With postwar efforts to dismantle Jim Crow policies, our era of mass incarceration reproduced the old logics of white supremacism that uphold racist capitalism in this new setting. These are the things we know. But in his book,Silent Cells: The Secret Drugging of Captive America(U Minnesota Press, 2019), Professor Anthony Hatch observes a feature of mass incarceration essential to its everyday function that many of us had never considered: the large-scale, persistent use of psychotropic drugs, including antipsychotics and antidepressants, not for medical care but rather to control the behavior of incarcerated people. Making a persuasive claim drawn from his training in STS and sociology, Hatch observes how the drugs are used at the level of individual brain chemistry to comm...

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Prison Notebooks: Thinking (and Writing) about Incarceration

1h 3min

Tara Watson and Kalee Thompson, "The Border Within: The Economics of Immigration in an Age of Fear" (U Chicago Press, 2021)


Willem Bart de Lint, "Blurring Intelligence Crime: A Critical Forensics" (Springer, 2022)


Asim Qureshi, "I Refuse to Condemn: Resisting Racism in Times of National Security" (Manchester UP, 2020)

1h 4min

Jamie Susskind, "The Digital Republic: On Freedom and Democracy in the 21st Century" (Pegasus Books, 2022)


B. J. Crawford and E. G. Waldman, "Menstruation Matters: Challenging the Law's Silence on Periods" (NYU Press, 2022)


Reshaping the Politics of Science: Bioscience Governance in Indonesia


Lucia M. Rafanelli, "Promoting Justice Across Borders: The Ethics of Reform Intervention" (Oxford UP, 2021)
