What the Job
38min2022 MAY 27
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Reeve Bunn thought he would be a sportscaster -- he even got a degree in radio and TV broadcasting. But throughout his life he'd always had the itch to run a company. So, he left broadcasting and, after making his way through positions in a variety of fields, he eventually became president of a 105 year-old company. After that, he went to university. Learn about how Reeve came to the leadership position, his concrete advice for moving around and why getting a university degree is beneficial, even if you're far into your career. As a bonus, Reeve also discusses how he led a company through its second pandemic. WTJ is sponsored by TD Insurance. Got a question? Email us at: wtj@ualberta.ca What the Job? is a University of Alberta Alumni Association podcast Hosted by: Matt Rea Produced by: Matt Rea and Jennifer Jenkins Music: Cottages by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/

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