Digital Health Today 360 with Dan Kendall
30min2020 MAY 6
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In 2017, approximately 19.7 million people aged 12 or older had a substance use disorder (SUD) related to their use of alcohol or illicit drugs in the past year, and an estimated 20.7 million people aged 12 or older needed substance use treatment (1). Sky News reports that calls have doubled to a helpline designed to support children whose parents are battling alcoholism (2). When traveling is not an option, what support and services are available to people who are battling Substance Use Disorder?In addition to the treatment and support needed to support and sustain their recovery, they are also confined in their homes and potentially dealing in close proximity to relationship, financial or work related problems. Our guest has first hand knowledge of what it’s like to battle addiction, and, fortunately she’s turned her attention on how to improve the situation for people on their own journeys to long-term recovery. Joining me in the health podcast studio is Daniela Tudor, who is r...

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