Live Better Podcast
45min2020 JUL 14


Live from the Live Better recording studio! Bret and Jason are here this week with Dr. Alex Orton & Dr. Kolby Ourada, Naturopathic doctors. After graduating valedictorian and salutatorian from the National University of Health Sciences, Alex and Kolby started Haven: a holistic Health Center in Chicago. Haven creates individualized health programs for people to be educated and empowered to know exactly how to optimize their health and heal from chronic illness. In this episode we breakdown the secrets to: Identifying the causes of toxicity within your life and how to work towards making positive changes within your daily routine Innovative ways that Naturopathic medicine can heal aliments and health issues through understanding the body fully Creating an environment that will allow the body to function at its highest levels Listen in as Bret and Jason discuss with Alex and Kolby about their mission to help others take control of their health, and create positive habits to allow the b...

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