The Word on Medicine
50min2022 JUN 20
Play Episode


On this week's Word on Medicine, we will provide an inspirational program which we have named: “Join Us In The Arena." We will talk about medicine, life, and have some invaluable thoughts from Mr. Baseball himself, Bob Uecker. As some of you know, the term “Arena” was made famous by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1910 in a speech in Paris. His words of inspiration included a few sentences which became famous forever: “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles....The credit belongs to the man (the woman) who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood..." He may have been talking about the battlefield, but the same can be said of many aspects of life – certainly health care, sports, and the business world have all used this quote to be sure that we all stay connected to those with their sleeves rolled up who are in the “Arena.” We explore the Arena of Healthcare from both sides – we are joined by Drs. Bonnie Chow, Erica Lanser and Elise Biesboer to discuss the lengthy journey to become a doctor. Then we are joined by our patients whom are forced to be in the Arena, often when they least expect it. Their courage, resilience and family support provide life lessons which are so important for all of us. Please make sure to listen to this program!

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