Inside the Guest Studio
1h 7min2022 MAR 4
Play Episode


I caught Shirley in the middle of a remodel project at her house and we talk about, well; Christianity and the Bible. An interview with a small dash of extremism and a surprising amount of patience. This is Shirley 2020. From the WBC Website...The Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) of Topeka, Kansas, is an Old School Baptist Church. We adhere to the teachings of the Bible, preach against all forms of sin (e.g., fornication, adultery [including divorce and remarriage], sodomy), preach repentance and remission of sins in Christ’s name, and insist that the sovereignty of God and the doctrines of grace be taught and expounded publicly to all men. We are not ‘Calvinists’ per se; we reject many unscriptural notions of Calvinist theology (such as infant baptism). We do, however, believe that the sovereignty of God with regard to grace, election and reprobation is framed appropriately in what is commonly known as the “Five points of Calvinism” (or TULIP Doctrine, as a mnemonic device for re...

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