The Optimal Ceo
26min2019 APR 1
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Welcome to today’s episode where I’m going be sharing with you FOUR THINGS that are destroying the success in your wellness journey… and possibly even destroying the success of your business. Stay tuned as we dive into these muddy waters and clear them up for you on this episode. Thanks for joining me today! Those of you who’ve been following me for some time know that I used to practice psychiatry before I reskilled and transitioned to doing functional and integrative medicine. My days in psychiatric practice served me well. It made me a keen observer of human behavior patterns. It’s something that years of training and practice instilled in me, and something that’s difficult to turn off… it’s automatic. After moving into functional and integrative medicine, I prided myself on not practicing psychiatry only to realize two years later, I hadn’t really quit. As time has passed, I’ve identified some major hang-ups that hold people back in their wellness journey and business...

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