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【歡迎訂閱】 歡迎來到我的專輯“英語何健說”,也歡迎關注微信公眾號“英語何健說” 現在大家還可以添加本專輯的微信學習群助手Talklikehe_1,添加群助手后,會邀請大家入群學習打卡。我們會不定期在群里分享英語學習相關內容。

【歡迎訂閱】 歡迎來到我的專輯“英語何健說”,也歡迎關注微信公眾號“英語何健說” 現在大家還可以添加本專輯的微信學習群助手Talklikehe_1,添加群助手后,會邀請大家入群學習打卡。我們會不定期在群里分享英語學習相關內容。 標題 愛情:“fat chance”難道是很有機會? 對話原文及知識點 對話一: A: Are you aware that Mike and Lucy are dating again? B: Out of this world! A: You bet, didn't Mike dump Lucy before once? B: Yup, but he got her back with no one knows how. A : Why is she so persistent ? There is other fish in the sea. 知識點: 1. out of this world = out of the world 非凡的,極好的 e.g. The dress in the store window was out of this world (out of the world) . 商店里的那件衣服真是漂亮極了 。 2. You bet. 解釋 1 = of course certainly e.g A: I feel unwell. Can I leave earlier? B: You bet. A: 我覺得不舒服可以早點走麼? B: 當然啦。 解釋 2 = You are welcome, not at all. e.g. A: Thank you for your help. B: You bet. A: 謝謝你的幫助。 B: 不用謝。 3. dump = throw away 倒掉,扔掉,拋棄掉 e.g....

【歡迎訂閱】歡迎來到我的專輯“英語何健說”,也歡迎關注微信公眾號“英語何健說” 現在大家還可以添加本專輯的微信學習群助手Talklikehe_1,添加群助手后,會邀請大家入群學習打卡。我們會不定期在群里分享英語學習相關內容。

【歡迎訂閱】歡迎來到我的專輯“英語何健說”,也歡迎關注微信公眾號“英語何健說” 現在大家還可以添加本專輯的微信學習群助手Talklikehe_1,添加群助手后,會邀請大家入群學習打卡。我們會不定期在群里分享英語學習相關內容。 標題愛情:“沉魚落雁”原來是這麼說的 對話原文及知識點 對話一:A: What do you think of this dish? B: I am going to call a spade a spade. It tastes awful.A: Gosh! I spent 2 hours making it. Is it really that bad? B: Don’t take this the wrong way, honey. I love you so much, but clearly you don’t belong in the kitchen.知識點:1. call a spade a spade 實話實說 不拐彎抹角 tell it like it is 實話實說 不拐彎抹角 (更不具有歧義)2. Don’t take it the wrong way. 别誤會了,别搞錯了 對話二:A: You have got to see that house! It’s a drop-dead gorgeous! It will be a perfect choice for us when we get married. B: Sounds great!How about we check it out together sometime this week?知識點: 1. drop-dead gorgeous 極致的漂亮2. check it out 來看看 思考題drop-dead是什麼意思?

【歡迎訂閱】 歡迎來到我的專輯“英語何健說”,也歡迎關注微信公眾號“英語何健說” 現在大家還可以添加本專輯的微信學習群助手Talklikehe_1,添加群助手后,會邀請大家入群學習打卡。我們會不定期在群里分享英語學習相關內容。 標題 愛情:“goody two shoes”到底是指什麼人? 對話原文及知識點 對話一: A: Let’s talk about good stuff. B: Good stuff? A: Yeah. Glass half full crap. What do you got? B: I got a little buzz. I got that. What you got? A: I got a little buzz going. And I like you. (選自: Garden State ) 知識點: 1. stuff n. 東西 2. glass half full 樂觀的 glass half empty 悲觀的 e.g I tend to be glass half full. 我傾向於樂觀的。 I tend to be glass half empty. 我傾向於悲觀的。 3. buzz n. 蜜蜂的嗡嗡聲 飛機的轟鳴聲 可以表示一種狀態,興奮或者享受的狀態 e.g. It gives me a buzz whenever I see him. 我每次見他都很興奮陶醉 buzz marketing 蜂鳴營銷、口碑營銷,也就是口耳相傳 對話二: A: OK. I am happy about this. But Jack asked us to do it and he’s important to both of us,...

【歡迎訂閱】 歡迎來到我的專輯“英語何健說”,也歡迎關注微信公眾號“英語何健說” 現在大家還可以添加本專輯的微信學習群助手Talklikehe_1,添加群助手后,會邀請大家入群學習打卡。我們會不定期在群里分享英語學習相關內容。 標題 愛情:“别有用心”口語怎麼說? 對話原文及知識點 對話一: A: Leave the housework to me, honey. B: Whoa, what’s going on here? What do you want from me? A: Can’t a fella pamper his beloved wife every now and then? I swear I don’t have an axe to grind. 知識點: 1. whoa是一個常用感歎詞 ,表達一種像震驚這樣的比較強烈的反應 2. fella 夥計 男人 pal 一般是指比較近的,關系比較好的朋友 3. pamper 寵愛 寵溺 4. every now and then 時而 有時 5. have an axe to grind 字面意思是“有一把斧頭要磨”,表示的意思就是别有用心、另有企圖 對話二: A: Honey, the kitchen sink is clogged again. We need a plumber ASAP. B: Don’t worry dear. Chris will definitely take care of it. A: He is our Johnny on the spot? B: Oh yeah, definitely ! 知識點: 1. sth is clogged 某物被堵住了 2. ASAP = as ...

【歡迎訂閱】 歡迎來到我的專輯“英語何健說”,也歡迎關注微信公眾號“英語何健說” 現在大家還可以添加本專輯的微信學習群助手Talklikehe_1,添加群助手后,會邀請大家入群學習打卡。我們會不定期在群里分享英語學習相關內容。 標題 愛情: “忘年戀”原來這麼說的 對話原文及知識點 對話一: A: Don’t pick on me too hard. I am your man, not your employee! It’s not a big deal ! B: Just so you know, not every boyfriend is as mean as you. And it is a big deal! 知識點: 1. pick on sb. 挑某人的刺, 找某人的茬 picky 挑剔的 難伺候的 2. It’s not a big deal. 没什麼大不了的 What's the deal? 怎麼了 有什麼事麼 3. just so you know 你給我聽好了 4. mean adj. 刻薄的 對話二: A : Can you believe it? David is marrying Lisa! She is 18 years older than he is. B: I bet he is the boy toy in this relationship. A: And Lisa’s best friend is dating a CEO who is old enough to be her dad. B: No surprise there. She’s always been a gold-digger. A: Is it possible that she is not in for money this tim...

【歡迎訂閱】 歡迎來到我的專輯“英語何健說”,也歡迎關注微信公眾號“英語何健說” 現在大家還可以添加本專輯的微信學習群助手Talklikehe_1,添加群助手后,會邀請大家入群學習打卡。我們會不定期在群里分享英語學習相關內容。 標題 愛情:“大男子主義”原來是這麼說的 對話原文及知識點 對話一: A: I know I'm not as pretty as Amanda, or as smart as Ashley, or as thoughtful as Shirley. If I'm not the most important person in your heart, so be it. B: God. Can you be more passive-agressive? You know they are all my exes. Exes, for crying out loud! How many times do I need to tell you I've no feelings for them now? 知識點: 1. passive-aggressive 形容一種人用被動的方式去控制别人的性格特點 2. for crying out loud 我的老天 對話二: A: Ralph is hot! Don't you just want a boyfriend like that? B: What? Why? I mean, no! He is an arrogant, insensitive male chauvinist pig! I would never ever want him to be my boyfriend! A: Honey, you protest too much. 知識點: 1. insensitive 不細膩的 不敏感的 類似於 thou...

【歡迎訂閱】 歡迎來到我的專輯“英語何健說”,也歡迎關注微信公眾號“英語何健說” 現在大家還可以添加本專輯的微信學習群助手Talklikehe_1,添加群助手后,會邀請大家入群學習打卡。我們會不定期在群里分享英語學習相關內容。 標題 愛情:“時保聯”在英語中也能對應? 對話原文及知識點 對話一: A: I am so gonna break up with Ian. He is as slippery as an eel. B: You should be careful. He’s two-faced. A: If things won’t change, I will dump him at the drop of a hat. 知識點: 1. break up with sb. 和某人分手 2. as slippery as an eel 指某人圓滑不可靠 3. at the drop of a hat 立即 馬上 e.g. Thank goodness that you had called the ambulance at the drop of a hat, or my father-in-law would have been in great danger. 謝天謝地你立刻叫了救護車,要不然我公公可就危險了。 對話二: A: I cut Lily off last week. B: What’s the deal? A: She’s been hounding me non-stop. I just can’t shake her. B: She’s in love with you man, even though you might be over it. You should have a sit-down with her. A: Been there. D...

【歡迎訂閱】 歡迎來到我的專輯“英語何健說”,也歡迎關注微信公眾號“英語何健說” 現在大家還可以添加本專輯的微信學習群助手Talklikehe_1,添加群助手后,會邀請大家入群學習打卡。我們會不定期在群里分享英語學習相關內容。 標題 愛情:明天你要嫁給我了 對話原文及知識點 對話一: A: That’s it. I am going to ask Stella to marry me tomorrow. B: Hold your horses. You two only met last week? Are you sure you are gonna tie the knot? A: Absolutely. I am falling head over heels for her. Can’t live without her. 知識點: 1. hold sb’s horses 慢點 别急 2. tie the knot = get hitched 結婚 3. be head over heels 為某人神魂顛倒 對話二: A: I don’t mean to pry. But are you dating Brad? B: None of your business. A: Come on. Come on. Tell me. B: No. Not a chance. A: I will give you ten bucks for that. B: Knock it off! 知識點: 1. pry 刺探 2. Not a chance. = Fat chance. 不可能 没戲 3. Knock it off. = Cut it out. 少來,别來這套 思考題 “Do you want to horse around?” 是什麼意思?

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