Finding Gratitude, Purpose & Positivity

Finding Gratitude, Purpose & Positivity

A life coach’s philosophy

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2 小時 32 分鐘
11 聲音

Want advice from a certified life and career coach? Open up Allison Task’s cognitive toolkit and start developing the skills you need to live a more positive life, both personally and professionally. Throw your headphones on and learn accessible psychological and spiritual tricks to help you find health and happiness.

What You'll Learn​ 

  • How to find gratitude and comfort through pain 
  • Ways to look inward and find your purpose 
  • The importance of caring for yourself and others 
  • Allison Task
    Allison Task
    Certified career & life coach

Discover ways to successfully ride the roller coaster of emotions you might be feeling, from excruciating grief to jaw-dropping gratitude.

Improve your creativity, problem-solving skills, and relationships by asking the right questions.

Learn to apply the concepts behind psychologist Susan Silk and her friend Barry Goldman’s ring theory in order to increase comfort in times of strife.

Find a greater sense of redemption and purpose in your life using one of writer Emily Esfahani’s four pillars of meaning.

Get familiar with this 6,000-year-old tool for analyzing personality and the human psyche.

Review the tenets of this 3rd-century Greek philosophy and gain a fresh perspective during difficult times.

Engage in deep appreciation for yourself and those around you, and connect with an earlier version of yourself.

Gain clarity on your values, passions, gifts, and possibilities by exploring the Japanese concept of Ikigai, or “reason for being.”

Learn about what philosopher Eugene Gendlin called “the felt sense,” referring to the sensations we experience in response to internal and external events.

Explore the depths of grief surrounding the loss of a beloved animal friend, and what these wise companions can teach us about love and life.

Turn thoughts into habits and words into actions with THWAR, a reality-shifting framework for driving real change in your life.


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