A Keen Mind | Stress Reduction | Mindfulness | Meditation

A Keen Mind | Stress Reduction | Mindfulness | Meditation

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52 聲音
Welcome! Most people struggle with stress and feel overwhelmed when they can't keep up with life's demands. If you are battling stress over competing demands from work, home or both and would love to find relief from the onslaught of daily strains and pressures, this show can help. Jude Johnson is a certified brainspotting therapist who teaches Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) which has been shown to help with stress, pain, and illness. This show provides effective tips for stress reduction and includes a guided meditation. Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/jude-johnson/support

Welcome to episode 52, I am Jude a, certified brainspotting therapist and meditation teacher. In this episode, we will explore how to use mindfulness during stressful times by reconnecting and re-evaluating our values. Following this talk, there will be a guided meditation. If you are in North Carolina and would like to learn more about counseling or 1:1 meditation click on the links that follow: Counseling or 1:1 Meditation. Presently all sessions are viurutal. I have a two-part Mindfulness for Beginner series on Simple Habit that includes 14 meditations. If you would like to try out Simple Habit Free use the coupon code meditatewithjude to have access to Simple Habit with all of his meditations as well as over 100 other experts. Make sure that you apply the coupon code online before downloading the app. Directions are below to obtain your free trial. This is a 30 day FREE Trial. Input the following link: https://www.simplehabit.com/redeem/meditatewithjude Create a login or the aut...

2020 and the start to this New Year has been incredibly stressful with over half a million COVID-19 deaths in the United States and over 2.4 million worldwide. We face continued political divisions, disruptions, uncertainty, and mental health and substance abuse crises. In this episode, we explore how to find hope and healing in the midst of continued uncertainty, disruptions, and crises. I share several Martin Luther King Jr. quotes as a way to honor his service and sacrifice to bring about justice, equality, and unity. Several therapeutic approaches for anxiety, trauma, and depression were discussed during this episode. Brainspotting is a mind/body therapeutic approach that helps process trauma stored in the subcortical brain. This approach was discovered in 2003 by David Grand, Ph.D., and over 13,000 therapists have completed professional training. To learn more or find a certified Brainspotting therapist visit https://brainspotting.com/. I also mentioned Eye Movement Reprocessin...

In this episode, you will learn practical strategies for finding joy and peace during the 2020 Holiday season. I explore how we can gather together with the intention to cultivate a sense of unity and connection while maintaining healthy boundaries. Following this talk, there will be a guided meditation. May you all find peace and happiness this holiday season. If you are in North Carolina and would like to learn more about counseling or 1:1 meditation click on the links that follow: Counseling or 1:1 Meditation I have a two-part Mindfulness for Beginner series on Simple Habit that includes 14 meditations. If you would like to try out Simple Habit Free use the coupon code meditatewithjude to have access to Simple Habit with all of his meditations as well as over 100 other experts. Make sure that you apply the coupon code online prior to downloading the app. Directions are below to obtain your free trial. This is a 30 day FREE Trial. Input the following link: https://www.simplehabit....

This episode is a sleep meditation and the first one I've recorded. I hope you find this mediation helpful for getting to sleep and staying asleep. I didn't record an introduction or anything additional with this episode, so that you can listen anytime you need to transition into sleep. If you are in North Carolina and would like to learn more about counseling (all sessions are teletherapy for now) or 1:1 meditation click on the links that follow: Counseling or 1:1 Meditation I have a two-part Mindfulness for Beginner series on Simple Habit that includes 14 meditations. If you would like to try out Simple Habit Free use the coupon code meditatewithjude to have access to Simple Habit with all of his meditations as well as over 100 other experts. Make sure that you apply the coupon code online prior to downloading the app. Directions are below to obtain your free trial. This is a 30 day FREE Trial. Input the following link: https://www.simplehabit.com/redeem/meditatewithjude Create a ...

In this episode, you'll learn effective tips for improving sleep so you can wake up feeling more refreshed and energized. I cover the benefits of setting a schedule, what to do if you can't fall asleep, and much more. Many people are finding it difficult to get restful sleep amidst stress from rising COVD-19 cases, political divisions, and a mental health crisis. These tips are not intended to be a replacement for medical care. If you continue to have trouble with sleep, please seek out support from your doctor and or a therapist who is trained in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia. I did not provide a guided meditation in this episode, however, you will find a stand-alone sleep meditation in episode #49. If you are in North Carolina and would like to learn more about counseling (all sessions are teletherapy for now) or 1:1 meditation click on the links that follow: Counseling or 1:1 Meditation I have a two-part Mindfulness for Beginner series on Simple Habit that includes 14...

This episode explores three ways to reduce stress that will help you become more resilient and develop a positive mindset. I will cover the power of finding joy in movement, shaking meditation, as well as how to bring more mindful attention and focus to what we're able to control in our lives. Following this brief talk, there will be a guided meditation. I have an upcoming online class Mindfulness Intro - Being Mindful Together starting August 6th @ 6:30pm. TO learn more and or register visit https://akeenmind.com/services-3/beingmindfultogether/ If you are in North Carolina and would like to learn more about counseling services (currently offering teletherapy sessions only) visit http://akeenmind.com/services-3/mindfulness-based-psychotherapy/ I have a two-part Mindfulness for Beginner series on Simple Habit that includes 14 meditations. If you would like to try out Simple Habit Free use the coupon code meditatewithjude to have access to Simple Habit with all of his meditations as ...

This episode explores how to become more mindful of race. We explore some of the research on racial bias and how we can help facilitate healing racial divisions, through curiosity, mindful listening and compassion. I apologize in advance for any oversights or biases caused by my own misperceptions about race. We are seeing immense suffering in our country and in our world over racial injustice, domestic violence, substance abuse, child abuse, mental illness, and all to the backdrop of 120 thousand plus deaths due to COVID-19. Overwhelming stress brings our individual and societal wounds to the surface. Following this talk, there will be a guided meditation that focuses on compassion for self and others. If you are in North Carolina and would like to learn more about counseling services (currently offering teletherapy sessions only) visit http://akeenmind.com/services-3/mindfulness-based-psychotherapy/ I have a two-part Mindfulness for Beginner series on Simple Habit that includes 14...

**Announcement** A Keen Mind will host a NEW Online Community Meditation Group: Next Meeting: May 17rd, 4pm EST- Details and how to register below. This episode will help you explore how to respond to stress with wisdom and gratitude. Following this brief talk, there is a guided meditation that focuses on gratitude. The NEW Online Community Meditation Group is an opportunity to learn and practice mindfulness-meditation with the support of others. The group is open to everyone on a drop-in basis. There is no need to have prior meditation experience; however, you may find listening to this episode #43: Understanding Mindfulness and Meditation will help you understand more about mindfulness and meditation as you prepare to join the group. This community group draws on traditional meditations practiced in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and beyond. To learn more about the Online Community Meditation Group or to register, visit: http://akeenmind.com/services-3/community-meditation-gro...

Practicing mindfulness helps us manage stress and can also help you become more resilient in the face of challenges. Being mindful also means having compassion for yourself. Practicing self-compassion and loving-kindness meditation reduces negative emotions, increases positive emotions, fosters resilience and Self-compassion helps us feel more connected to ourselves and others, even when we are apart from each other. This episode covers the 3 components of self-compassion followed by a loving-kindness meditation. **Important Announcement** A Keen Mind has a new Community Meditation Group: First Group meeting: May 3rd, 4 pm EST This Group Meets every other week from 4pm-430p on ZOOM This Community Meditation Group is an opportunity to learn and practice mindfulness-meditation with the support of others. The group is open to everyone on a drop-in basis. There is no need to have prior meditation experience, however, you may find it helps understand the more about mindfulness and medita...

**Announcement** A Keen Mind will host a NEW Online Community Meditation Group: First Meeting: May 3rd, 4pm EST- Details and how to register below. Meditation has been around for thousands of years, but it has not been until the last 40 years that science has taken a closer look at the benefits of a regular meditation practice. Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D., created Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) as a way of bringing mindfulness meditation into the mainstream. Dr. Kabat-Zinn said that he wanted to make meditation as popular as jogging; in my opinion, I would say that he has done an amazing job making movement towards this goal! He has helped to popularize meditation by inspiring the creation of over 750 MBSR programs worldwide. Mindfulness-meditation has received national media attention and major corporations like Google and Aetna offer mediation classes because these skills are proven to improve employee health and decrease company costs. People are flocking to meditation becau...

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