Buck Off Banter

Buck Off Banter

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70 聲音
Katie and Karla know how dull mucking out or long schooling sessions alone can be. Join them every other Friday as they take a lighthearted look at all things equestrian and share the chaos of juggling home, work, children and horses.

In this episode Katie and Karla are joined by (and obsessed with) Keira Byrnes. They chat about a huge range of topics including holistic horse care, rider nerves and how horse welfare and top level competiton can go hand in hand. The episode finishes with an expensive battle for wanker of the week.

In this episode Katie and Karla catch up on their news. This includes the name of the foal, how Katie managed to acquire a sash and.......THE Harry Styles concert!! They also play a horsey version of a game from tiktok and discuss, possibly more than necessary, the size of Karla's vagina (totally normal, for anyone that missed it!)

In this episode Katie and Karla discuss Bramham. This includes their thoughts on course builder, Ian Stark's statement and also the Ros Canter moment. The episode was supposed to focus on random horsey acts of kindness but be warned, they both admit that this could be their most random episode yet!! While editing the podcast I realised that the audio isnt the best. This is partly due to Sebastian joining us at the beginning for a sing song, then crawling around on the floor in the room above me but just to rub salt in the wound the new way we have to record hasn't worked well for me. I'm so sorry and hope you still enjoy the episode.

In this episode Katie shares the highs and literal lows of the last two weeks. Karla talks about taking her 2 boys out to some showjumping and discusses the importance on keeping it fun. They briefly touch on their thoughts on producing young/green horses. The episode mainly focuses on equestrian influencers and their effect on horsey social media.

In this episode Katie and Karla chat about Katie's recent disasterous vet visit and Karla's lesson with the voice of David Beckham. The episode mostly covers their thoughts on Badminton horse trials, as expected Karla's thoughts focus mainly on the trot up, "not a nip slip in sight!" They briefly discuss the recent controversy regarding weight in show horses and round of the episode with Wanker of the Week.

In this episode Katie and Karla celebrate being reunited with an episode that covers a multitude of topics. This episode is jam packed with laughs and covers, (brace yourselves), getting the ick,a new horse, a report from weston lawns, why Lucinda Green should be wearing yellow and the discovery that Ben AKA the Poodle, is in fact a spy.

In this episode Katie is joined/saved by her friend Rachael, (and the voice of Rachael's pony Topsy.) Rachael asks Katie questions sent in by the listeners, including plenty of farrier related questions for Ben, they finally decide on a voice for Mint and Katie finds herself longing for riveted joints.

In this episode Katie and Christa are joined by Debbie from Koekibar. They chat about the importance of riders taking care of themselves and how the range of supplements offered by Koekibar can support riders. They then discuss a story of a woman selling her children to fund her horses. For anyone considering this route, remember they are home made so you'll get more on etsy than on ebay!

In this episode Katie and Christa are joined by The Galloping Housewife for a hugely inspiring chat (baby Seb also joins for a short while, apologies for the gentle snoring. He doesn't like to miss out!) They also chat about the recent tack thefts and the recent social media storm surrounding the Mark Todd video.

In this episode Katie and Christa focus on shows. They chat about tips, things they like, don't like and Katie desperately tries to work out why she actually goes to shows at all. They also share some of the responses from listeners (where the general reason for competing appears to be "to buy cheesy chips").

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