Experience Life Transformation

Experience Life Transformation

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The podcast Experience Life Transformation with Dr. and Master Sha is dedicated to sharing ancient wisdom and practices updated for modern times to help people become healthier and happier, empowered, and enlightened. His teachings have helped thousands of people to have better health, more harmonious relationships, better finances, and to live with inner joy and inner peace. Master Sha has traveled the world for decades, assisting people in overcoming physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual challenges and teaching special techniques for self-healing and self-improvement. Dr. and Master Sha will share both theory and practice, presenting the wisdom in an accessible way and leading listeners in simple practices that apply the wisdom. He will explain the relationships between soul, heart, mind, and body and universal laws to understand and follow for optimal health, happiness, and success. This alternative approach is compatible with all other health practices but adds another dimension. Dr. and Master Sha honors all traditions but teaches a special way of reaching well-being and moving towards enlightenment. He teaches soul over matter and the power of positive messages for transforming the negative information within that creates illness and undermines health, happiness, and success. To support humanity, he created the Tao Calligraphy Healing Field that offers everyone a way to connect with a higher frequency and vibration that promotes healing, well-being, longevity, and flourishing in life. In this podcast, Dr. and Master Sha will guide people to develop and strengthen positive messages of love, forgiveness, compassion, gratitude, and more to remove physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual blockages and free themselves to discover their true selves and reach their greatest potential. Born in China, Master Sha began to learn tai chi at the young age of six and has studied several Eastern arts including qi gong, Shaolin gong fu, feng shui, and more and, in 2002, was named Qi Gong Master of the Year at the Fifth World Congress on Qigong.He also found the calling to heal and help others early when he observed people suffering from chronic illness. He received an MD in Western medicine from the Xian Medical College and certification in Chinese traditional medicine and acupuncture in both China and Canada. He has gone on to combine the essence of Western medicine, Chinese traditional medicine, knowledge gained from practicing the Eastern arts, and five-thousand years of energy and spiritual healing secrets. Dr. and Master Sha has taught self-healing practices and wisdom around the world for decades, trained hundreds of teachers through the Tao Academy, and founded the Sha Research Foundation to study the effects of these practices. A renowned humanitarian devoted to peace, Master Sha established the Love Peace Harmony Foundation to bring humanity together as one family and to support people living in crisis situations worldwide. https://drsha.com/https://www.facebook.com/drandmastersha

Discover Deep Guidance for Your Life with the Third Eye Chakra

Build Willpower & Rejuvenate the Throat with the Throat Chakra

Let Your Heart Chakra Open Your Heart to More Love

Develop the Solar Plexus Chakra to Increase Strength and Overcome Fear and Anger

Develop the Sacral Chakra to boost Your energy, strengthen immunity, and rejuvenate

Develop the Root Chakra to build a foundation for wisdom and joy

In this new series, we will be focusing on the seven main energy chakras, introducing ancient wisdom and practical techniques for preventing illness, rejuvenation, longevity, and transforming every aspect of life. We will also learn to deepen our connection with a higher consciousness and develop our spiritual channels to access information from the universe and beyond. Discover how to develop the Seven Chakras from seven leading Master Teachers from the Tao Academy, trained by Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha. Each teacher will explain one of the chakras, present a technique, and will describe their own life-changing experiences from applying this wisdom and simple but powerful practices. Be inspired to overcome physical, mental, and emotional challenges, to heal and rejuvenate, and grow spiritually. https:www.DrSha.com https:www.TaoAcademy.com https:www.LovePeaceHarmony.org https://www.facebook.com/drandmastersha (https://www.facebook.com/drandmastersha) https://www.instagram.com/maste...

Meditate to find joy and peace in the Tao Calligraphy Healing Field

Remove fear to boost immunity and prevent illness

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