FORward Radio program archives

FORward Radio program archives

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Forward Radio is listener-sponsored, volunteer-powered, grassroots community radio WFMP-LP Louisville, Kentucky. We have been broadcasting at 106.5fm and live-streaming at since April 9, 2017. Enjoy this selection of our archived local programs, and if you like what you hear, please donate to keep us on-air at It costs $20/day to keep this programming coming your way.

Linda Duncan earned her bachelor's and master's degrees from the University of Kentucky and graduated from the University of Louisville's Rank I Administration and Supervision program. She taught at Southern High School and was a teacher and assistant principal at Fairdale High School. She has served two terms as an at-large director on the Kentucky School Boards Association and is a member of the National School Boards Association.[1]

Kentuckians for Single Payer Healthcare members discuss the birth of Medicare including its civil rights and medical care desegregation component, privatization efforts, Medicare drug policies and costs to patients

This week Carrie and I traveled to record at the Tompkins-Buchanan-Rankin Mansion, which is a Victorian era mansion built in 1871, with 12-foot ceilings, hand-carved wood balusters, and intricately designed colorful wallpapers. It has been preserved and enveloped by the campus of Spalding University and is the location of their School of Creative and Professional Writing and home base for today’s guest, debut novelist Katy Yocom. Katy’s novel, Three Ways to Disappear, was published in 2019 and has won numerous awards including The Siskiyou Prize for Environmental Fiction. It has also been selected as a Barnes and Noble Indie Book Favorite. Katy has vivid memories of as a child reading All Creatures Great and Small by James Herriot out loud with her mother. It was a short leap to her writing her own book about the intricacies of animal conservation and family bonds. Katy tells us how her obsession with a set of newborn tiger cubs at the Louisville Zoo 14 years ago started her on th...

What is the science behind the first pictures from the James Webb Space Telescope? Why did the Geological Society of Kentucky recently name the Lower Howard's Creek Nature & Heritage Preserve as a distinguished geologic site? What's in the redacted letters between the last Queen of France (Marie Antoinette) and her purported lover? Finally, hear about the I Am A Scientist program that is working to enhance diversity and inclusivity in the sciences. Here is a link to those Webb Telescope images: Here is the original I Am A Scientist video: Here is the I Am A Scientist website: ‘Bench Talk: The Week in Science’ is a weekly program that airs on WFMP Louisville FORward Radio 106.5 FM ( every Monday at 7:30 pm, Tuesday at 11:30 am, and Wednesday at 7:30 am. Visit our Facebook page for links to the articles discussed in this episode:

On this week’s show, your host, Justin Mog, brings you a preview conversation with Dr. Douglas Tallamy who will be the guest speaker at a special event on Friday in collaboration with UofL’s Sustainability Council and Bernheim Arboretum and Research Forest. Joining the conversation is Bernheim’s Director of Education, Kristin Faurest, Ph.D. Doug Tallamy is the T. A. Baker Professor of Agriculture in the Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology at the University of Delaware, where he has authored 106 research publications and has taught insect related courses for 41 years. Chief among his research goals is to better understand the many ways insects interact with plants and how such interactions determine the diversity of animal communities. His book Bringing Nature Home was published by Timber Press in 2007, The Living Landscape, co-authored with Rick Darke, was published in 2014; Nature's Best Hope, a New York Times Best Seller, was released in February 2020, and his latest ...

Forward Radio was proud to participate in and live-broadcast from the 2022 Bluegrass VegFest at the Melwood Art Center on Saturday, July 9th from 11am-6pm. The VegFest is a Louisville-based vegan food festival showcasing regional businesses and products, with over 50 exhibitors. Not just a cornucopia of delicious plant-based food, it also featured craft beer and summer cocktails, nationally renowned speakers, arts and crafts, kid’s activities, and much more. The festival attracted thousands of attendees who are passionate about food, health, animals, the planet, and socially/eco-conscious companies. It featured regional restaurants, fabulous food trucks, beverages, and expert chefs demonstrating how to prepare your own delish vegan dishes. Learn more at On Truth to Power each week, we gather Forward Radio programmers and friends to discuss the state of the world, the nation, the state, and the city! On this week's show, we bring you highlights from t...

K.A. Owens interviews Community Activist Jeff Compton about the Sunday July 10 , 2022 incident in Shawnee Park at the Dirt Bowl where the Louisville Metro Police Department decided to serve a warrant in the middle of a crowd of women and children and gunfire ensued. The Dirt Bowl is a summer basketball tournament, a community event that people have enjoyed for many years. Recorded Friday July 15, 2022.

This week we our joined by Alexa Quinter, who shares how a traumatic childhood experience has had a profound and lasting impact on her mental health. We talk about coexisting with trauma, dealing with anger, and accepting changes in yourself even when others don't. Featured: Original theme music by Neil Lucas

This week’s guest, Angela Jackson-Brown, is an award-winning novelist, poet, and playwright. She is also a professor at Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana who completed her MFA at Spalding University in Louisville where she is also a member of the creative writing graduate faculty. Her most recent novel, When Stars Rain Down, was published in 2021 and is a historical fiction story set in 1930s Georgia, and has been nominated for several awards. Angela also has a new novel coming out in July called The Light Always Breaks set in post WW 2 Washington DC that features political and romantic intrigue between a high powered interacial couple. These are stand alone novels but what is cool is that these books’ characters are in the same fictional universe so readers get a chance to reconnect with characters they may have met before. Angela talks to us about how she uses fiction to write about experiences in her life she wished she’d had, why she started writing plays, and the firs...

I had a chance to speak with a group of Kenyans about farming. Here's what I had to say. It applies to the US, just as well. If we farm regeneratively, and/or get our food from farmers who do so, then we will experience a range of benefits, in terms of nutrition, water quality, climate and community wealth building. I recommend rotational grazing of livestock and practicing the principles of soil health in our crop fields and vegetable gardens.

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