Mitra Pakdaman is the founder of LA Healthcare Design, a Los Angeles-based interior design studio, utilizing over ten years of in-field experience to provide her signature elegant, fresh, and balanced design concepts to large-scale projects. She received her B.S. in Interior Design and her MBA at CSUN and is a member of the International Interior Design Association (IIDA).
In Episode 39 of How To Market You & Your Business, Paul G. Walmsley chats with Adam Bluemner and discusses the most effective web lead follow up strategies. Adam reveals the findings from a case study of 63,256 phone calls to web leads that he and his company studied in 2015.
In Episode 38 of How To Market You & Your Business, Paul G. Walmsley outlines the Fundamentals Of Marketing From The Beach. As Paul walks along the beach from The Pier at Santa Monica, California he talks about the fundamentals of marketing, giving examples from his current business. He finishes off the episode by describing the latest trend in marketing being used by authors...the "Free plus shipping"offer.
In Episode 38 of the 5 Minute Sales Tip, Paul G Walmsley outlines how to deal with an engineer type prospect. What's an "engineer type" prospect? Well, it is someone who asks a million questions about your product(s) or services and needs to know every little detail. They turn the decision making process into a science project and usually end up suffering from "Analysis Paralysis."
In Episode 37 of How To Market You & Your Business, Paul G. Walmsley Chats with Thomas Hallgren. At summer school at Yale as a design student, Thomas Hallgren illustrated and wrote his first book and discovered his first love, making children’s books.
In this 5 Minute Sales Tip, Paul G Walmsley outlines how each starts each new week with his Monday Strategy. Paul explains how he assesses the successes and setbacks from the previous week and uses them to build into the new week. Paul talks about how he sets his goals, gives gratitude and attracts sales each and every day.
In this 5 Minute Sales Tip, Paul G. Walmsley explains how important it is that you don't put pressure on prospects. Early on in his sales career Paul would list sales with potential clients for the month hoping that they would occur and build his paycheck. The problem was, invariably those sales would not come through and therefore he would panic about where the sales were going to come from.
In this episode, Shannon Kent discusses how she markets her and her business. Wait until the end of the interview to learn about Shannon's unique business, what a wonderful idea!
In this 5 Minute Sale Tip, Paul G Walmsley demonstrates how important it is to keep in touch with your clients and prospects. When you keep in touch with your clients and prospects, sales flow to you. Paul picked up three sales as a result of doing this.
Listen in as Chris Ternate of Web Geek Studios chats with Paul G. Walmsley. Chris shares two mindblowing marketing strategies that when implemented will make a massive difference to your business. Right at the end of the interview Chris shares with you how you can snag a FREE 30 Minute Consultation with her and she'll run through a 73 point checklist to show you how to DOUBLE YOUR REVENUE!